No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Building Official, in accordance with the following:
1. Application. Any person desiring to make a connection with the sewer system shall first file with the Building Official an application therefor, on blanks furnished by the City, setting forth the location and description of the property to be connected with the sewer system and for what purpose the sewer is to be used.
2. Plans and Specifications. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Building Official.
3. Limited Responsibility for Permit Revocation. All permits to connect with sewer shall be given upon the express condition that the Council may at any time before the work is completed revoke and annul the same and no party interested shall have a right to claim damages in consequence of any such permits being revoked or annulled.
4. Connection Charge. No permit shall be issued or connection made unless connection charges as required herein are paid in full.
A. Burgess Avenue. A connection charge of five hundredths dollars ($0.05) per square foot of total lot area to be served shall be required for each connection to the sanitary sewer line beginning at the C & NW RR (UPRR) and ending at Industrial Park Road.
B. Industrial Park Road. A connection charge of five hundredths dollars ($0.05) per square foot of total lot area to be served shall be required for each connection to the sanitary sewer line beginning at Burgess Avenue and ending at Kittyhawk Avenue.
(Ord. 1606 - Jun. 16 Supp.)
C. U.S. Highway 30. A connection charge of eight hundredths dollars ($0.08) per square foot of total lot area to be served shall be required for each connection to the sanitary sewer line beginning at Griffith Road and ending 2,000 feet east of Griffith Road.
(Ord. 2203 - Jul. 22 Supp.)