For use in this chapter, “parking” means that part of the street, avenue, or highway in the City not covered by sidewalk and lying between the lot line and the curb line or, on unpaved streets, that part of the street, avenue, or highway lying between the lot line and that portion of the street usually traveled by vehicular traffic.
No trees or shrubs shall be planted upon any street right-of-way nearer than twelve (12) feet to the curb line, and all trees and shrubs, no matter when planted and wherever situated in the street right-of-way, shall be maintained by the abutting property owner. Trees and shrubs planted in street right-of-ways prior to September 13, 1972, shall be permitted to remain as planted pursuant to the ordinances and laws existing at the time of planting, but shall not be replaced. The aforesaid limitation shall not apply on Main Street from its intersection with Bluff Street northerly to its intersection with Thirteenth Street, on which portion street plantings may be placed no nearer than eight (8) feet to curb line.
The owner or agent of the abutting property shall keep the trees on, or overhanging the streets, trimmed so that all branches will be at least sixteen and one-half (16.5) feet above the surface of the roadway and eight and one-half (8.5) feet above the sidewalks. If the abutting property owner fails to trim the trees, the City may serve notice on the abutting property owner requiring that such action be taken within five (5) days. If such action is not taken within that time, the City may perform the required action and assess the costs against the abutting property for collection in the same manner as a property tax.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[2c, d & e])