Purpose and Applicability
91.01 Title
91.02 Authority
91.03 Purpose
91.04 Applicability
91.05 Conflicts with other regulations
91.06 North Carolina State Building Code
91.07 Severability
91.08 Interpretation
91.09 Identification of Official Zoning Map
91.10 Zoning Map interpretation
91.11 Relationship to comprehensive plan
91.12 Development approvals run with the land
91.13 Refund of illegal fees
91.14 Enforcement
91.15 Effective date
91.16—91.19 Reserved
General Regulations
91.20 Applicability of general regulations
91.21 Reduction of lot and yard areas prohibited
91.22 Street access
91.23 Relationship of building to lot
91.24 Required yards not to be used by building
91.25 Lot requirements/dimensions
91.26 Street intersection sight visibility triangle
91.27 No use or sale of land or buildings except in conformity with unified development ordinance provisions
91.28 Height limitation exceptions
91.29 Lot size without all public utilities
91.30 Property dedicated for private use
91.31 Temporary buildings
91.32 Business uses of manufactured homes and trailers
91.33 Permit to construct driveway required
91.34 Fees
91.35 Split jurisdiction
91.36 Pending jurisdiction
91.37—91.39 Reserved
Administrative/Legislative Authority
91.40 Administrative staff
91.41 Planning Board
91.42 Board of Adjustment
91.43 Conflicts of interest
91.44—91.49 Reserved
Legislative/Quasi-Judicial Procedures
91.50 Process for adoption of development regulations
91.51 Moratoria
91.52 Vested rights and permit choice
91.53 Development agreements
91.54 Appeals, variances and interpretations
91.55 Quasi-judicial procedures
91.56 Special use permits
91.57 Rehearings
91.58—91.59 Reserved
Development Review Process
91.60 Applicability
91.61 Administrative development approvals and determinations
91.62 Pre-application meeting and sketch plan
91.63 Administrative development approval - minor site plan or subdivision
91.64 Planning Board review and development approval (major site plan or subdivision)
91.65 Engineering drawing review requirements
91.66 Site plan procedures
91.67 Subdivision procedures
91.68—91.69 Reserved
Zoning Districts
91.70 Establishment of zoning districts
91.71 Interpretation
91.72 Primary zoning districts
91.73 Conditional zoning district
91.74 Table of permitted/conditional uses
91.75 Zoning district development standards
91.76—91.79 Reserved
Supplemental Regulations
91.80 Introduction
91.81 Accessory uses
91.82 Portable storage container
91.83 Adult entertainment business
91.84 Battery charging/exchange station
91.85 Reserved
91.86 Kennel
91.87 Mixed use
91.88 Service station
91.89 Shopping center
91.90 Tattoo and body piercing parlor
91.91 Telecommunication facilities
91.92 Cemeteries
91.93 Child care center
91.94 Crematorium
91.95 Place of assembly
91.96 Bona fide farm
91.97 Golf and driving range, par 3
91.98 Golf course
91.99 Auction conducted entirely within a building
91.100 Auction, estate
91.101 Granny pods
91.102 Homestay lodging in residential districts
91.103 Tiny houses
91.104 Whole house lodging/homestay lodging in the O/I and NE districts
91.105—91.109 Reserved
Nonconforming Situations
91.110 Intent
91.111 Nonconforming uses
91.112 Nonconforming structures
91.113 Nonconforming lots of record
91.114 Repairs and maintenance
91.115 Planned residential development and planned unit development
91.116 Nonconforming signs
91.117—91.119 Reserved
Performance Standards
Part I: Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading Requirements
91.120 Off-street parking requirements
91.121 General provisions
91.122 Requirements for parking lots
91.123 Manufactured home and trailer parking and storing
91.124 Vehicle storage
91.125 Vehicle stacking areas
91.126 Parking space dimensions
91.127 Handicapped requirements
91.128 Loading areas
91.129 Parking ratios
91.130—91.139 Reserved
Part II: Landscape, Buffering and Screening
91.140 Purpose
91.141 Applicability
91.142 Tree resource management
91.143 Landscape requirements
91.144 Bufferyards
91.145 Additional requirements for buffers and for yards in which buffers are required
91.146 Installation
91.147 Maintenance
91.148 Landscape plan
91.149 Tree protection during construction
91.150 Recommended plant list
91.151—91.159 Reserved
Part III: Building Facade Design
91.160 Intent
91.161 Applicability
91.162 Exempt
91.163 Standards
91.164 Alternative compliance
91.165—91.169 Reserved
Part IV: Outdoor Lighting
91.170 Purpose and intent
91.171 Applicability
91.172 Exempt
91.173 Lighting plan
91.174 Site lighting design requirements
91.175 Illumination levels
91.176 Excessive illumination
91.177 Nonconforming lighting
91.178—91.179 Reserved
Part V: Emergency Management Standards
91.180 General provisions
91.181 State Codes
91.182—91.189 Reserved
Part VI: Sign Regulations
91.190 Purpose
91.191 Zoning certificate procedures
91.192 General requirements
91.193 Prohibited signs
91.194 Sign area and location
91.195 Illumination
91.196 General maintenance requirements
91.197 Reconstruction of damaged signs or sign structures
91.198 Commercial, business and industrial districts: additional requirements
91.199 Subdivision identification signs
91.200 Unlawful cutting of trees
91.201 Excluded signs
91.202—91.209 Reserved
Part VII: Subdivisions
91.210 Standards for review
91.211 Sketch plans
91.212 Preliminary plats for minor and major subdivisions
91.213 Final plats for all subdivisions
91.214 Information to be provided on preliminary and final plats
91.215 Recombination of land
91.216 Resubdivision procedures
91.217 Compliance with provisions required
91.218 Suitability of land
91.219 Name duplication
91.220 Subdivision design
91.221 Stormwater drainage facilities
91.222 Erosion and sedimentation control
91.223 Streets
91.224 Utilities
91.225 Effect of plat approval on dedications
91.226 Variances
91.227 Cemetery subdivision lot size exemption
91.228 Notice of new subdivision fees and fee increases; public comment period
91.229 Final plat certifications and other documentation
91.230—91.239 Reserved
Environmental Regulations
Part I: Flood Damage Prevention
91.240 Statutory authorization
91.241 Findings of fact
91.242 Statement of purpose
91.243 Objectives
91.244 Lands to which this section applies
91.245 Basis for establishing the special flood hazard areas
91.246 Establishment of floodplain development permit
91.247 Compliance
91.248 Abrogation and greater restrictions
91.249 Interpretation
91.250 Warning and disclaimer of liability
91.251 Designation of Floodplain Administrator
91.252 Floodplain development application, permit and certification requirements
91.253 Duties and responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator
91.254 Corrective procedure
91.255 Variance procedures
91.256 General standards for flood hazard reduction
91.257 Specific standards for flood hazard reduction
91.258 Standards for floodplains without established base flood elevations
91.259 Standards of riverine floodplains with BFE data, but without established floodways or non-encroachment areas
91.260 Floodways and non-encroachment areas
91.261 Standards for areas of shallow flooding (Zone AO)
91.262 Standards for areas of shallow flooding (Zone AH)
91.263 Legal status provisions
91.264—91.269 Reserved
Part II: Stormwater Control
91.270 General provisions
91.271—91.279 Reserved
Part III: Sedimentation and Erosion Control
91.280 General provisions
91.281—91.289 Reserved
Part IV: Riparian Buffers
91.290 General provisions
91.291—91.299 Reserved
Appendix A: Definitions
A.1 Purpose
A.2 Interpretation
A.3 Definitions
Appendix B: Installation detail