(A)   Facilities. Adequate public facilities shall be provided within the confines of any subdivision to meet the public demand created by the subdivision for such facilities as deemed appropriate by the Planning Board and in compliance with state law. Such facilities include but are not limited to schools, libraries, parks, recreational facilities, public access facilities to natural/conservation areas, greenways/multi-modal paths, fire stations, police stations, emergency management facilities, drainage facilities, solid waste handling facilities, and other such facilities that are intended for the use and enjoyment of the public.
   (B)   Blocks and lots.
      (1)   The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated; zoning requirements; needs for vehicular and pedestrian circulation; control and safety of street traffic; limitations and opportunities of topography; and convenient access to water areas.
      (2)   Blocks shall not be less than 400 feet or more than 1,320 feet.
      (3)   Blocks shall have sufficient width to allow two tiers of lots of minimum depth except where single-tier lots are required to separate residential development from through vehicular traffic or another type of use, in non-residential subdivisions, or where abutting a water area.
      (4)   Where deemed necessary by the Planning Board or UDO Administrator, a pedestrian crosswalk at least 15 feet in width may be required to provide convenient public access to a public area such as a park or school, to a water area, or to areas such as shopping centers, religious or transportation facilities.
      (5)   Block numbers shall conform to the Brunswick County 911 number system, if applicable.
      (6)   All lots in new subdivisions shall conform to the zoning requirements of the district in which the subdivision is located. Conformance to zoning requirements means, among other things, that the smallest lot in the subdivision must meet all dimensional requirements of this Unified Development Ordinance. It is not sufficient for the average lot to meet zoning requirements.
      (7)   If not provided central water and/or sewer service, lots shall meet applicable County Health Department requirements.
      (8)   Double frontage lots shall be avoided wherever possible.
      (9)   Flag lots shall be avoided wherever possible.
      (10)   Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to or radial to street lines.
   (C)   Cluster development. Every lot shall meet the minimum size as specified in § 91.75 except lots permitted to utilize the clustering provision. Lots may be reduced using this provision but any lot area reduced shall be placed in common area and shall in no way increase the number of lots normally allowed by using this section. Averaging lot size can be approved on a case by case basis by the Planning Board where no additional lots are created.
      (1)   Density bonuses shall be allowable when a cluster development avoids developing in a Special Flood Hazard Area such that density may increase 25% above the density normally allowed in the Unified Development Ordinance.
   (D)   Traditional neighborhood development. Traditional neighborhood development is encouraged to the extent practicable. Design standards contained in this Unified Development Ordinance may be replaced when a Traditional Neighborhood Development is proposed and rezoned to a Planned Residential Development zoning district provided that the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Traditional Neighborhood Development standards are used.
   (E)   Easements. Easements shall be provided as follows.
      (1)   Utility easements.
         (a)   Easements for underground or above ground utilities shall be provided, where necessary, across lots or centered on rear or side lot lines and shall be at least ten feet wide for water and sanitary sewer lines as required by the companies involved, for telephone, gas and power lines.
         (b)   The Planning Board will determine whether one easement is sufficient or whether several easements are necessary to accommodate the various facilities and the subdivider shall provide the required easements.
      (2)   Drainage easements. Where a subdivision is traversed by a stream or drainage way, an easement shall be provided conforming with the lines of such stream and of sufficient width as will be adequate for the purpose.
      (3)   Greenway/multi-modal path easements. Where a subdivision, as deemed by the Planning Board, warrants additional off right-of-way paths for walking and recreation, a greenway and/or multi-modal path easement may be required. Such easement, where practical, shall run coterminous with drainage easements.
(Ord. eff. 9-6-2012, § 9.59; Am. Ord. 19-2, passed 7-12-2018; Am. Ord. 21-1, passed 9-17-2020)