(A) Type A bufferyard screening. This is a medium density screen intended to block visual contact between uses and to create special separation. Type A bufferyard screening shall be required between adjacent nonresidential properties and multi-family residential property containing ten or more parking spaces and between commercial and industrial zoning districts or uses.
(1) Type A1: minimum of seven and one-half feet wide. For every linear 100 feet, or fraction thereof, the screen shall consist of a combination of a minimum of two shade trees planted evenly at 40 feet on center, and ten evergreen intermediate shrubs planted eight feet on center (see Figure 7a below); or
(2) Type A2: minimum of five feet wide. For every 100 feet, or fraction thereof, the screen shall consist of a combination of at least three shade trees planted evenly at 40 feet on center, and 15 evergreen intermediate shrubs six feet on center (see Figure 7b below).
(B) Type B bufferyard screening. This is a high density screen intended to exclude virtually all visual contact between uses and to create a special separation. Type B bufferyard screening shall be required when a nonresidential property is adjacent to a single-family residential zoning district or use, including PRD.
(1) Type B1: minimum width of 15 feet, except for the C-2 and C-3 Districts which shall have a minimum of seven and one-half feet. For every linear 100 feet, or fraction thereof, the screen shall consist of a combination of a minimum of three shade trees planted evenly at 30 feet on center, and 15 evergreen large shrubs planted six feet on center (see Figure 8a below); or
(2) Type B2: minimum width of ten feet, except for the C-2 and C-3 Districts which shall have a minimum of five feet. For every linear 100 feet, or fraction thereof, the screen shall consist of a minimum of four shade trees planted 30 feet on center, and 20 evergreen large shrubs planted five feet on center (see Figure 8b below).
(C) Type C bufferyard screening.
(1) An opaque fence or opaque wall may be used in place of 50% of required bufferyard screening plants.
(2) The design, color and materials of any fence or screen used to meet bufferyard requirements shall be approved by the UDO Administrator. The side of the fence facing the affected property owner shall be the finished side of the fence. All planted screening required to be used in conjunction with a fence shall be approved by the UDO Administrator and planted on the finished side of the fence facing the affected use, and the remaining plantings shall be equally distributed in the bufferyard (see Figure 9a below).
(D) Type D bufferyard screening. A combination earthen berm with vegetation may be used as follows (see Figure 10 below):
(1) An earthen berm may be used in conjunction with planted vegetation made up of small, intermediate and large shrubs, as approved by the UDO Administrator, provided that the combined height of the berm and planted vegetation shall be an installed minimum height of six feet.
(2) The slope of the berm shall be stabilized with vegetation and no steeper than 3:1. The height of the berm shall be a maximum of six feet, with a level or rounded area on top of the berm. The berm shall be constructed of compacted earth.

(E) Summary. The following provides a summary of the bufferyard requirements:
Zoning District and/or Use | Industrial | Commercial (Including O/I) | Single-Family Residential | Multi-Family Residential (8 or more parking) |
Industrial | N/A | Type A | Type B | Type A |
Commercial (including O/I) | Type A | N/A | Type B | Type A |
Single-family residential | Type B | Type B | N/A | Type A |
Multi-family residential (8 or more parking) | Type A | Type A | Type A | N/A |
(Ord. eff. 9-6-2012, § 9.15; Am. Ord. 21-1, passed 9-17-2020)