(A)   Street yard requirements. Street yards are required for all commercial, industrial and multi-family residential development with eight or more parking spaces.
      (1)   Minimum standards: the minimum depth of all street yards shall be seven and one-half feet. For every 50 linear feet of frontage, or fraction thereof, the street yard shall contain a minimum of three shade trees and six intermediate shrubs. Newly installed plant material shall be evenly distributed, where possible. (See Figure 1 below.)
      (2)   If there are existing trees in the proposed street yard area, the UDO Administrator may grant credit toward meeting the requirement for preservation of those trees as specified by the tree credits table.
      (3)   No planting material will be allowed which, at planting or at maturity, will impede vision between a height of three feet and ten feet in the sight visibility triangle specified by § 91.26. (See Figure 3 below.)
   (B)   Parking facility requirements.
      (1)   Minimum standards: for parking facilities having 15 or more parking spaces, at least 8% of the gross paved area of the parking facility shall be landscaped and located in the interior of the facility. (See Figure 4 below.)
      (2)   Planting islands shall include at least one shade tree or one small tree and six small shrubs. At least 50% of the trees planted shall be shade trees. (See Figure 5 below.)
      (3)   In support of the above, the following standards shall apply to interior plantings.
         (a)   All plantings shall be evenly distributed throughout the parking facility.
         (b)   All interior plantings shall be curbed or otherwise physically protected.
         (c)   Consecutive parking spaces shall incorporate landscaped islands no more than 15 spaces apart and at the ends of all parking rows. Landscaped islands shall contain at least 100 square feet in area and be at least eight feet in width, measured from back of curb to back or curb. (See Figure 6c below.)
(Ord. eff. 9-6-2012, § 9.14; Am. Ord. 21-1, passed 9-17-2020)