Satellite dish antennas measuring 39.97 inches or less in diameter and other antennas designed to receive broadcast satellite service, video programming services via broadband radio service (wireless cable), or local television broadcast signals, and accessory to a residential use as defined by this chapter and by the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, shall meet the following requirements, to the extent that such requirements do not impair the installation, maintenance or use of such device:
(A) Such uses may be located on the roof of the structure and in required rear and side yards.
(B) No such use may be located closer than five feet to the nearest property line.
(C) If located within the buildable area of the lot of the residence, the use shall not extend or be located in front of any principal building.
(D) Satellite dishes shall be located to reduce visual impact from surrounding properties at street level and from the public right-of-way.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)
(A) A valid mobile vending permit issued by the Zoning Administrator is required prior to setting up or selling merchandise. Permit certificates shall be attached to the mobile vending unit where it is readily visible, and shall include the current name, mailing address and valid phone number of the mobile food vending unit owner.
(B) All vendors must obtain a city business license.
(C) Permitted merchandise shall be limited to edibles, hot and cold beverages containing no alcohol, and items related to such merchandise.
(D) Permission to operate must be obtained from the owner of the property on which the mobile vending unit is situated, or an authorized representative of the property owner.
(E) No more than one mobile food vending unit shall be allowed on any given lot at the same time without first obtaining a special event permit.
(F) Required parking for the business(es) located on the lot shall be minimally affected.
(G) Signage shall be permitted on the vehicle only to identify the name of the product, the name of the vendor, and the posting of prices. A separate menu board is allowed, not exceeding 12 square feet in area and 40 inches in height. This sign must be located on the same lot as, and within close proximity to, the mobile food vending unit, and shall not be placed on the sidewalk or the public right-of-way.
(H) The mobile food vendor shall only use single-serve plates and utensils. Garbage and recycling receptacles must be made available for patron use and removed from the site daily by the mobile food vendor.
(I) Mobile food vendors shall meet all applicable DHEC regulations for mobile food vending unit and possess a valid DHEC permit, where applicable.
(J) Any mobile food vendor or mobile food vending unit that has been issued a notice of health violation by any department or agency of the state of South Carolina, which remains uncorrected upon a subsequent inspection, shall have its mobile food vending permit revoked.
(K) Mobile food vendors shall properly store all fat, grease, oil, or waste water and shall dispose of all such waste only at locations designated and authorized to accept and dispose of such waste.
(L) A mobile food vendor shall not:
(1) Leave any vehicle unattended;
(2) Store, park, or leave any vehicle overnight on any street or sidewalk;
(3) Leave from any location without first picking up, removing and disposing of all trash or refuse remaining from sales made by the vendor;
(4) Solicit or conduct business with persons in motor vehicles;
(5) Sell anything other than that for which a valid license to vend has been issued;
(6) Sound or permit the sounding of any device that produces a loud or raucous noise, or use or operate any loudspeaker, public address system, radio, sound amplifier or similar device to attract the attention of the public;
(7) Allow any item relating to the operation of the vending business to lean against or hang from any building or other structure lawfully placed on public property;
(8) Change vending location without first notifying the Zoning Administrator and submitting the required permissions and site plan; and
(9) Discharge fat, grease, oil, or waste water into the sanitary sewer or stormwater system.
(M) Catered events, special events and mobile food vendors that fall under a special event permit are exempt from these requirements.
(Ord. 2016-008, passed 5-10-16)
In order to insure that new development, renovations, and reconstructions are designed, sized, and sited to compliment the area in which they are located and the character of the city in general; and to protect existing development and property values through the promotion of high standards of compatibility; the following standards are hereby adopted.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)
In addition to the height restrictions imposed by this chapter, all structures shall comply with applicable federal height restrictions for air travel safety as provided in the Kershaw County - Woodward Field Airport Airspace Plan, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)