§ 157.140 SCREENING.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of screening is to provide a visual barrier between an unsightly or out of scale feature and the view from public streets and abutting properties.
   (B)   Opaque screening required. Unless otherwise specified in this section, all required screening shall be opaque. An opaque screen is intended to exclude all visual contact with the screened feature from an adjacent property, public street, or right-of-way. An opaque screen may be composed of a wall, fence, building, or berm; planted vegetation; existing vegetation; or a combination thereof; as approved by the Zoning Administrator. A wall, fence, or building, or combination thereof, must be used to screen dumpsters and loading and delivery areas. The compliance of a planted vegetative screen or existing vegetation will be determined by the Zoning Administrator on the basis of average mature dimension and density of foliage of the proposed or existing plant species, and/or field observation of existing vegetation. Vegetated screens must be opaque in all seasons of the year. Therefore, all plant material used shall be evergreen, must be selected from the List of Approved Plant Species for the City of Camden and List of Approved Tree Species for the City of Camden, and must be installed and maintained per the requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   Structural screens. If structural materials are used for screening, such as for walls or fences, such structure must be augmented with vegetation to soften the appearance of the structure. Such structures used to screen dumpsters and loading and delivery areas in the CBD are exempt from this requirement. Plants required for buffer landscaping per the provisions of this chapter may be incorporated to satisfy these requirements, per approval by the Zoning Administrator. Such vegetation shall be planted or in the case of incorporation of existing vegetation shall exist on the side of the fence or wall that faces away from the land use or feature that requires screening.
   (D)   Height of required screening. The height of required screening shall be sufficient to block the view of the feature for which the screening is required from the adjoining property that is to be provided such protection. All required screening shall be opaque to a height of at least six feet above grade at maturity.
   (E)   Length of required screening. The length of a required screen shall be that which is necessary to totally visually screen the feature from protected properties, streets, and rights-of-way as provided in this section. The Zoning Administrator may approve accommodations for reasonable access and use, as necessary.
   (F)   Screening required for features. To maximize site line obstruction, a screen shall be placed immediately adjacent to the feature to be screened except as otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may approve accommodations for reasonable access, use, and maintenance of the features and equipment, as necessary. Screening to minimize views from adjacent existing residential properties, properties in residential zoning districts, roads and public rights-of-way shall be required for the following features.
      (1)   Mechanical equipment for all non-residential uses at ground level and mounted on roofs, including, but not limited to HVAC equipment, transformers and generators;
         (a)   Roof mounted mechanical equipment shall not be visible in any direction from any adjacent existing residential properties, properties in residential zoning districts, roads and public rights-of-way. Where it can be clearly demonstrated that such equipment is not visible from any adjacent existing residential properties, properties in residential zoning districts, roads and public rights-of-way, the Zoning Administrator may waive screening requirements.
         (b)   Screening of roof-mounted equipment shall be accomplished by solid and permanent roof-mounted screens, compatible with the architectural style, materials and color of the building upon which the equipment is located;
      (2)   Garbage and trash collection areas, including dumpsters;
      (3)   Delivery and loading areas; and
      (4)   Open storage areas accessory to non-residential uses must be totally screened from public view.
   (G)   Fences and walls. All fences and walls shall meet the requirements of § 157.060 (D)(4).
   (H)   Berms. The following standards shall apply to all berms.
      (1)   No structures, including fences, shall be placed on a berm unless approved by the Zoning Administrator as part of the landscaping requirements for a development site.
      (2)   Berms shall not be used for the display of vehicles or other merchandise.
      (3)   If included in the landscape design, berms shall:
         (a)   Have a minimum height of 18 inches, a minimum crown width of two feet, and a side slope with a width to height ratio of no greater than three to one (3:1). No berm shall exceed four feet in height once the soil settles.
         (b)   Be designed and constructed with an undulating appearance which mimics, as much as is practicable, a natural topographical feature of the site.
         (c)   Be substantially planted and covered with live vegetation. No berm shall consist entirely of turf grass, ground cover, mulch or similar material.
         (d)   Be fully installed, planted, stabilized and maintained prior to certification of zoning compliance.
         (e)   Be designed to prevent standing water or to impede the flow of storm water from adjacent properties.
      (4)   Berm soil. The following standards shall apply to soil to be used as a planting berm.
         (a)   The soil shall be imported topsoil or manufactured topsoil from off-site sources.
         (b)   The soil should be obtained from naturally well-drained sites where topsoil occurs at least four inches deep, but shall not be obtained from agricultural land, bogs or marshes.
         (c)   Berm soil shall be free of stones of one inch or larger in any dimension; roots, plants, sod, clods, clay lumps, or pockets of course sand; contaminants such as chemicals, construction materials and building debris, fuels, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth; and obnoxious weeds and invasive plants, including but not limited to quackgrass, Johnsongrass, poison ivy, nutsedge, nimblewill, Canada thistle, bindweed, bentgrass, wild garlic, ground ivy, perennial sorrel, and bromegrass.
         (d)   The soil shall not be infested with nematodes, grubs, other pests, pest eggs, or other undesirable organisms and disease-causing plant pathogens.
         (e)   Soil for berms shall be friable and with sufficient structure to give good tilth and aeration. Soil shall be within a pH range of 6.2 to 6.8.
         (f)   Soil analysis required. For each soil type included in the berm soil, a soil analysis and a written report by a qualified soil-testing laboratory must be provided that states percentages of organic matter; pH; and mineral and plant-nutrient content of the soil.
         (g)   Soil-testing laboratory qualifications. Soil analyses for berm soil must be conducted by an independent laboratory or university laboratory, recognized by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15; Am. Ord. 2017-013, passed 10-10-17; Am. Ord. 2024-014, passed 6-25-24)