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   (A)   The requirements of this section shall apply to the following districts established by § 157.025: HOD - Historic Overlay District.
   (B)   Overlay districts shall be established on the official zoning map by the same procedure as amendments generally, as provided in § 157.211(H) by defining the boundaries of each district.
   (C)   Within overlay districts, permitted uses are determined by the "underlying" or primary zoning district. Where such districts overlay a Residential Zoning District, for example, only those uses permitted in the Residential Zoning District shall be permitted in the overlay district, subject to the additional requirements and standards of this section.
   (D)   Historic Overlay District (HOD). Any area designated as included in the Historic Overlay District shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Historic Landmarks Commission as established in Chapter 158 and shall conform to the requirements of that chapter.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)
   (A)   The Planned Development District (PDD) promotes innovative design within developments by permitting a mixture of different types of housing with compatible commercial uses, shopping centers, office parks and other mixed use developments. Flexibility and creativity in the design, character and quality of the development and preservation of natural and scenic features or open spaces is made possible through the development and approval of a detailed plan which describes the specific uses, densities, and other requirements for development. In accordance with S.C. Code § 6-29-740, in order to establish a PDD, the City Council must amend the Zoning Ordinance text and the official zoning map, after having received a recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding the PDD. The approved plan constitutes the district regulations for each planned development district.
   (B)   Permitted uses in PDDs. Any combination (mix) of uses meeting the objectives of this section may be established in a PDD upon review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Once approved, the proposed use(s) and no others shall be permitted. Said uses shall be identified as listed per § 157.029 (D)-Table of Permitted Uses. The list of approved uses shall be binding on the applicant and any successor in title, so long as the PDD zoning applies to the land, unless otherwise amended by ordinance.
   (C)   Mixture of uses. For PDDs that are or are planned to be primarily residential, 10% of the total gross area of the PDD must be reserved for office, retail, service, live-work units and other non-residential uses that serve the needs of project residents and others in the vicinity of the development. For PDDs that are or are planned to be primarily nonresidential, 10% of the total gross area of the PDD must be reserved for residential uses.
   (D)   Establishment of PDD Districts.
      (1)   PDDs shall be established on the official zoning map by the same procedure as for amendments generally as provided for in § 157.211(H) and in accordance with the requirements of this section.
      (2)   The developer/applicant shall arrange for preliminary meetings with the City Planner prior to submitting an application for rezoning.
      (3)   The Planning Commission will review the conceptual plan and text to insure conformity with this section and applicable requirements of the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 156; to consider the comments of the Review Committee; and to obtain and consider public comments concerning the proposed PDD.
      (4)   Upon approval by City Council, the conceptual plan and text shall constitute the PDD ordinance. Violations of any ordinance approving a PDD shall be subject to any and all enforcement and penalty provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (E)   Conceptual Plan and Text Requirements.
      (1)   A conceptual plan meeting the requirements for site plans contained in § 157.211(D)-Permits shall be submitted along with a conceptual land use plan for the entire site. A complete application shall also include the following:
         (a)   Proposed restrictive covenants to be recorded to insure compliance with standards in the PDD plan and to specify ownership and maintenance responsibilities.
         (b)   A preliminary development schedule for the completion of roads, infrastructure, buffer yards, and any other proposed improvements for general use.
         (c)   A preliminary common signage plan which complies with § 157.108.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may establish additional requirements for conceptual plan approval and, in special cases, may waive a particular requirement if, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the inclusion of that requirement is not essential to a proper assessment of the project.
   (F)   The developer is authorized to begin construction of street and infrastructure following verification that the preliminary plat complies with all requirements specified by City Council, the Planning Commission, DHEC, Chapter 156 and other approved conditions including recording of restrictive covenants.
   (G)   Final plat approval shall also comply with Chapter 156, Land Development Regulations.
   (H)   Each PDD shall be identified on the zoning map and in the Zoning Ordinance by a prefix and number indicating the particular district, as for example "PDD-l" together with whatever other identification appears appropriate.
   (I)   Minimum area required. Minimum area requirements for establishing a PDD shall be ten contiguous acres.
   (J)   Development standards.
      (1)   Density and height requirements. Residential density, setbacks, impervious surface ratios, and building heights shall be based on the scale of the project in relation to its surroundings and its impact on existing and proposed support facilities. A 20 foot setback will be required along the perimeter of all property lines. The setback from any existing street shall be the lesser of 35 feet or the average setback of existing adjacent houses that front on the same street within 100 feet in either direction of the proposed building. Maximum density is eight units per acre. Maximum impervious surface ratio is 70%.
      (2)   Overall site design. The overall site design shall be consistent and compatible with adopted plans and policies for the area in which the project is located and with adjacent residential neighborhoods and coordinated with existing infrastructure such as roads and sidewalks.
      (3)   Parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading spaces for each PDD shall comply with the requirements of §§ 157.123 and 157.124 -Parking and Loading Regulations, as applicable, for the various uses proposed for the PDD. Dense development may require supplemental parking areas or wider streets to allow on-street parking in addition to off-street parking requirements.
      (4)   Buffers. A buffer area at least 20 feet in width shall be provided along the exterior perimeter property lines unless a larger buffer is required by § 157.138 -Buffers. The required buffer must be landscaped per the requirements for property buffers as provided in § 157.138 (H)-Property Buffers. Buffers are not required in the interior of the PDD.
      (5)   Streets and infrastructure. Streets within a PDD must meet the design and construction standards required by the Land Development Regulations of Chapter 156. Private streets or alleys may be allowed if an acceptable maintenance plan is approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to permitting and said streets or alleys meet the design and construction requirements for public roads in the city.
      (6)   Landscaping, tree conservation and common open space. Landscaping, tree conservation and open space requirements for each PDD shall comply with the provisions of §§ 157.136 through 157.141 -Landscaping, Buffers, Open Space and Tree Conservation.
      (7)   Signage. Signage permitted shall be consistent, appropriately scaled and aesthetically compatible with the proposed PDD and shall comply with the requirements of §§ 157.103 through 157.117 -Sign Regulations.
   (K)   Financial guarantees. Where public improvements and/or common amenities or infrastructure are proposed, such improvements shall be installed in accordance with a development schedule to be approved as part of the PDD plan and designed to specifications as required by the Land Development Regulations of Chapter 156 . Whenever a land subdivision, as regulated by Chapter 156 , is required to implement a PDD, a preliminary plat shall be prepared for review that conforms to all of the requirements of the PDD approval, including the approved conceptual plan and development schedule. No development shall take place onsite until such plat has been approved by the city.
   (L)   Administrative action. After a preliminary plat has been approved, building and sign permits shall be issued in accordance with the approved plan as a whole or in stages or portions thereof, as approved.
   (M)   Changes in approved PDD plans. Except as provided below, approved PDD plans shall be binding on the owner and any successor in title.
      (1)   Minor changes. Changes proposed in writing by the applicant which do not alter district boundaries and which involve revision to minor characteristics of the PDD such as the revision of floor plans, facades, landscaping, drainage structures, and features which do not substantially alter the approved plan concept, anticipated offsite impacts, or violate any applicable regulations may be approved by the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Major changes. Changes proposed in writing by the applicant which alter district boundaries or which substantially alter the characteristics of the PDD shall be submitted under normal zoning amendment procedures applicable to establishment of the PDD.
   (N)   Expiration of time limits on PDD amendments. The final approved plan for a PDD shall be in effect for a period of two years or other specified development schedule. Extensions shall be permitted per the requirements of Chapter 160-Vested Development Rights.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15)
   (A)   In accordance with S.C. Code § 6-29-720(C), there is hereby created the Master Planned District (MPD) in order to promote innovative design within developments while permitting combinations of uses or creative master planning of development. Flexibility and creativity in the design, character and quality of the development and preservation of natural and scenic features or open spaces is made possible through the development and approval of a detailed plan which describes the specific uses, densities, and other requirements for development. In accordance with S.C. Code § 6-29-740, in order to establish a MPD, the City Council must amend the zoning ordinance text and the official zoning map, after having received a recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding the MPD. The approved plan (MPD Plan) constitutes the district regulations for each MPD.
   (B)   Permitted uses in MPDs. Any combination of uses meeting the objectives of this section may be established in a MPD upon review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council; provided that the list of approved uses in a MPD shall be taken only from among (i) those uses that are permitted or conditional uses under the prior zoning designation of the MPD or any zoning designation of a lesser intensity than the prior zoning designation or (ii) those uses that are permitted or conditional uses under a zoning designation of property adjacent to the MPD that is of greater intensity than the prior zoning designation of the MPD if the list of approved uses on the MPD are found to be within the character of the area in which the MPD is situated. Once approved, the proposed use(s) and no others shall be permitted. Said uses shall be identified as listed per § 157.029 (D). The list of approved uses shall be binding on the applicant and any successor in title, so long as the MPD zoning applies to the land, unless otherwise amended by ordinance.
   (C)   Establishment of MPDs.
      (1)   The Planning Commission shall make an affirmative finding prior to the creation of any MPD that the MPD Plan conforms to and is in compliance with the comprehensive plan of the city.
      (2)   MPDs shall be established on the official zoning map by the same procedure as for amendments generally as provided for in § 157.211(H) and in accordance with the requirements of this section.
      (3)   The developer/applicant shall arrange for preliminary meetings with the city planner prior to submitting an application for rezoning.
      (4)   The Planning Commission will review the conceptual plan and text to insure conformity with this section and applicable requirements of the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 156 of this code; to consider the comments of the Review Committee; and to obtain and consider public comments concerning the proposed MPD.
      (5)   Upon approval by City Council, the conceptual plan and text shall constitute the MPD ordinance. Violations of any ordinance approving a MPD shall be subject to any and all enforcement and penalty provisions of this zoning chapter.
   (D)   Conceptual plan and text requirements.
      (1)   A conceptual plan meeting the requirements for site plans contained in § 157.211(D) shall be submitted along with a conceptual land use plan for the entire site. A complete application shall also include the following:
         (a)   Proposed restrictive covenants to be recorded to insure compliance with standards in the MPD plan and to specify ownership and maintenance responsibilities.
         (b)   A preliminary development schedule for the completion of roads, infrastructure, buffer yards, and any other proposed improvements for general use.
         (c)   A preliminary common signage plan which complies with § 157.108.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may establish additional requirements for conceptual plan approval and, in special cases, may waive a particular requirement if, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the inclusion of that requirement is not essential to a proper assessment of the project.
   (E)   The developer is authorized to begin construction of street and infrastructure following verification that the preliminary plat complies with all requirements specified by City Council, the Planning Commission, DHEC, Chapter 156 and other approved conditions including recording of restrictive covenants.
   (F)   Final plat approval shall also comply with Chapter 156, Land Development Regulations.
   (G)   Each MPD shall be identified on the zoning map and in the zoning ordinance by a prefix and number indicating the particular district, as for example "MPD-1" together with whatever other identification appeal's appropriate.
   (H)   Minimum area required. Minimum area requirements for establishing a MPD shall be five contiguous acres.
   (I)   Development standards.
      (1)   Density and height requirements. Residential density, setbacks, impervious surface ratios, and building heights shall be based on the scale of the project in relation to its surroundings and its impact on existing and proposed support facilities. A 20-foot setback will be required along the perimeter of all property lines. The setback from any existing street shall be the lesser of 35 feet or the average setback of existing adjacent houses that front on the same street within 100 feet in either direction of the proposed building. Maximum density is eight units per acre. Maximum impervious surface ratio is 70%.
      (2)   Overall site design. The overall site design shall be consistent and compatible with adopted plans and policies for the area in which the MPD is located and with adjacent residential neighborhoods and coordinated with existing infrastructure such as roads and sidewalks.
      (3)   Parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading spaces for each MPD shall comply with the requirements of § 157.123 , as applicable, for the various uses proposed for the MPD. Dense development may require supplemental parking areas or wider streets to allow on-street parking in addition to off-street parking requirements.
      (4)   Buffers. A buffer area at least 20 feet in width shall be provided along the exterior perimeter property lines unless a larger buffer is required by § 157.138 . The required buffer must be landscaped per the requirements for property buffers as provided in § 157.138 (H). Buffers are not required in the interior of the MPD.
      (5)   Streets and infrastructure. Streets within a MPD must meet the design and construction standards required by the Land Development Regulations of Chapter 156 .
      (6)   Landscaping, tree conservation and common open space. Landscaping, tree conservation and open space requirements for each MPD shall comply with the provisions of §§ 157.136 through 157.141 .
      (7)   Signage. Signage permitted shall be consistent, appropriately scaled and aesthetically compatible with the proposed MPD and shall comply with the requirements of §§ 157.103 through 157.117 .
   (J)   Financial guarantees. Where public improvements and/or common amenities or infrastructure are proposed, such improvements shall be installed in accordance with a development schedule to be approved as part of the MPD Plan and designed to specifications as required by the Land Development Regulations of Chapter 156 . Whenever a land subdivision, as regulated by Chapter 156 , is required to implement a MPD, a preliminary plat shall be prepared for review that conforms to all of the requirements of the MPD approval, including the approved conceptual plan and development schedule. No development shall take place onsite until such plat has been approved by the city.
   (K)   Administrative action. After a preliminary plat has been approved, building and sign permits shall be issued in accordance with the approved plan as a whole or in stages or portions thereof, as approved.
   (L)   Changes in approved MPD plans. Except as provided below, approved MPD plans shall be binding on the owner and any successor in title.
      (1)   Minor changes. Changes proposed in writing by the applicant which do not alter district boundaries and which involve revision to minor characteristics of the MPD such as the revision of floor plans, facades, landscaping, drainage structures, and features which do not substantially alter the list of approved uses, approved plan concept, anticipated offsite impacts, or violate any applicable regulations may be approved by the City Planner.
      (2)   Major changes. All other changes must be proposed in writing by the applicant and shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission.
   (M)   Expiration of time limits on MPD amendments. The final approved plan for a MPD shall be in effect for a period of two years or other specified development schedule. Extensions shall be permitted per the requirements of Chapter 160 of this code.
(Ord. 2018-023, passed 12-11-18; Am. Ord. 2020-019, passed 8-11-20)