The following conditions shall apply to temporary signs.
(A) Temporary signs shall not exceed three square feet. Temporary signs used for advertising businesses shall only be allowed in commercial zoning districts.
(B) Temporary signs shall be removed or replaced every 30 days, unless otherwise stated in this section.
(C) Temporary signs are prohibited in the public right-of-way or on any public property, utility poles, or street signs.
(D) Temporary signs shall be limited to one per street frontage.
(E) Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
(F) Reserved.
(G) Banners are allowed with a permit only in the CBD, GBD, LBD, OI, IND and CMU zoning districts.
(1) Banners must be attached to a building and cannot exceed 32 square feet.
(2) Only one banner shall be allowed per building.
(3) Banners are allowed only if the combined square footage of the banner and all other signs does not exceed the maximum square footage allowed for building signs.
(Ord. 15-002, passed 2-24-15; Am. Ord. 2015-022, passed 10-13-15; Am. Ord. 2019-020, passed 11- 12-19; Am. Ord. 2020-023, passed 10-27-20)