Police Department
EDITOR'S NOTE: The City enters into Agreements, from time to time, with the Brook Park Policemen, Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, which Agreements provide for benefits and other incidents of employment. The provisions of this chapter and of Chapter 153, therefore, apply only to those persons and those subjects not otherwise provided for in such Agreements. In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions of such Agreements and a provision of these Codified Ordinances, the provision of the Agreement shall control. Copies of the latest relevant legislation and the latest such Agreement may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
141.01   Establishment and duties.
141.02   Composition; executive head.
141.03   Cost of living allowance; insurance.
141.04   Holidays. (Repealed)
141.05   Control.
141.06   Hours of work.
141.07   Clothing allowance.
141.08   Longevity pay.
141.09   Physical examinations.
141.10   Off-duty police protection for street construction projects.
141.11   Petty Cash Fund.
141.12   Payment for Police Certificate of Proficiency, Associate Degree or Job Related Bachelor or Master Degree in Police Technology.
141.13   Emergency response outside corporate limits.
141.14   Fees for use of jail facilities.
141.15   Full-time jailer.
141.16   Part-time jailers.
141.17   Continuing Training Program Fund.
141.18   Exchange zone.
   Establishment - see CHTR. § 8.05 
   Appointment of Chief - see CHTR. § 8.05 
   Detective and Juvenile Bureaus established - see CHTR. § 8.05 
   Classification - see CHTR. §§ 8.05, 10.02(d)(2); ADM. 139.04 
   Demotions, suspensions and dismissals - see CHTR. § 8.07 
   Suspension of Police Chief - see CHTR. § 8.07 
   Appeal from suspension, demotion, removal - see CHTR. § 8.07 
   Civil service qualifications - see CHTR. § 10.02(e)
   Age and promotions - see Ohio R.C.124.41, 124.44
   Police protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 737.04
   Emergency patrolmen - see Ohio R.C. 737.10; ADM. 139.05 
   General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
   Recovered property and disposition - see Ohio R.C. 737.29 et seq.
   Sick leave and vacations - see ADM. 153.01 et seq.
   Miscellaneous benefits for Police and Fire Chiefs and Captains - see ADM. 153.241
   Compliance with police order - see TRAF. 303.01 
   Impounding vehicles - see TRAF. 303.08 
   Impersonating an officer - see GEN. OFF. 523.03 
   False reports to law officers - see GEN. OFF. 525.02 
   Reports of wounds inflicted by deadly weapons - see GEN. OFF. 525.05(b)
   There is hereby established a Police Department for the City to be organized as set forth herein. The Police Department shall preserve the peace, protect persons and property, obey and enforce all ordinances and all Ohio and United States criminal laws, and perform such other duties consistent with police protection as Council shall designate.