The City Council may, at any time by resolution, modify any or all of the Compensation Plan established under § 2.64 of this chapter. The Compensation Plan so established shall be construed as a policy declaration and not a binding permanent contractual obligation between the city and its employees.
(1958 Code, § 80.04; renumbered to § 80.02) (Ord. 65-2, passed 1-4-1965)
Pursuant to M.S. § 176.011, subd. 9, clause 6, as it may be amended from time to time, the Mayor, the members of the City Council, the members of the Port Authority and the members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority shall be included in the coverage of the Minnesota Worker’s Compensation Act.
(Ord. 89-23, passed 4-24-1989)
A municipal merit system, pursuant to the provisions of M.S. Chapter 44, as it may be amended from time to time, and as supplanted by section 6.03 of the city charter, is hereby adopted by the city for all municipal employees, except:
(a) the City Manager and his or her non-clerical employees;
(b) the City Attorney and his or her non-clerical employees;
(c) employees hired to fill temporary or seasonal positions; and
(d) employees working a limited or variable number of hours that averages less than twenty hours per week over the course of a calendar year.
(1958 Code, § 72.01) (Ord. 26, passed 10-27-1953; Ord. 27, passed 11-10-1953; Ord. 54, passed 11-16-1954; Ord. 148, passed 10-6-1958; Ord. 149, passed 10-28-1958; Ord. 2016-31, passed 12-5-2016)
The purpose of this Division C is to authorize the city to conduct
on persons who are finalists for certain employment positions in the city and who are volunteers in city programs providing services to children or vulnerable adults. Nothing in this Division C shall be construed to preclude the city from conducting comprehensive background investigations of applicants for city employment positions, including, but not limited to, accessing public data through other automated and non-automated sources and contacting references. Nothing in this Division C shall also be construed to preclude the city from periodically conducting a driver’s license inquiry upon employees or volunteers where possession of a valid driver’s license is an essential qualification of the position.
(Ord. 95-23, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 98-7, passed 3-2-1998)
For the purpose of this Division C, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMPUTERIZED CRIMINAL HISTORY INQUIRIES. Criminal histories obtained through the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension’s computerized criminal history system.
DRIVER’S LICENSE HISTORY INQUIRIES. Driver’s license violations recorded by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
(Ord. 98-7, passed 3-2-1998)
The City Council makes the following findings regarding the need to conduct
on persons who are finalists for certain city positions and who are applying to volunteer in city programs providing services to children or vulnerable adults, recognizing that the City Council has a significant interest in protecting the general public in the performance of government services.
(a) Certain city employees and volunteers work independently with and provide public services to some of the most vulnerable members of society: children, senior citizens, developmentally disabled individuals and mentally ill persons. Protection of these vulnerable persons warrants the investigation of persons who are finalists to fill these certain employment positions with the city and who are applying to volunteer in city programs that provide services to these members of the public.
(b) Some city employees work closely with public funds and accounts and are in employment positions that have access to property or assets of the city where losses are difficult to detect or prevent. In order to minimize the risk that the public trust will be violated,
of those individuals who are finalists to be employed in such positions are necessary.
(c) Several city employees enter the private homes of city residents on a regular basis in the performance of necessary and worthwhile public services.
on persons who are finalists for such positions are deemed necessary to minimize the risk that the personal safety of residents in their homes will be violated.
(d) Many city employees and some volunteers operate, on a regular basis, heavy machinery, buses, street maintenance equipment and/or other city-owned motor vehicles on public rights-of-way. In order to minimize the loss of public property and the loss of life in serious traffic accidents,
of finalists for such positions are appropriate.
(e) In accordance with the state policy of encouraging the rehabilitation of criminal offenders, the
prescribed herein shall not be an automatic bar to public employment but rather uses in assessing the rehabilitation of the finalist in accordance with M.S. §§ 364.01 to 364.10, as they may be amended from time to time.
(f) This Division B cannot guarantee that certain groups or individuals will be protected from the criminal acts of employees or volunteers; rather, its intent is to minimize certain risks in the performance of government services to the general public.
(Ord. 95-23, passed 11-20-1995; Ord. 98-7, passed 3-2-1998)