Upon submission of an application requesting approval of an Industrial Development Revenue Bond issue, the applicant shall pay the fees according to the City of Bloomington Schedule of Fees and Charges (Excluding those Established by Ordinance) as it pertains to all Conduit debt funding requests and the fees outlined in the Application for Conduit Revenue Bond Project Financing.
(Ord. 79-32, passed 5-21-1979)
The City Council may, at any time by resolution, modify any or all of the Compensation Plan established under § 2.64 of this chapter. The Compensation Plan so established shall be construed as a policy declaration and not a binding permanent contractual obligation between the city and its employees.
(1958 Code, § 80.04; renumbered to § 80.02) (Ord. 65-2, passed 1-4-1965)
Pursuant to M.S. § 176.011, subd. 9, clause 6, as it may be amended from time to time, the Mayor, the members of the City Council, the members of the Port Authority and the members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority shall be included in the coverage of the Minnesota Worker’s Compensation Act.
(Ord. 89-23, passed 4-24-1989)