Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter and chapter 4 of this title, development in accordance with the One Beverly Hills Overlay Specific Plan shall not be governed by any other regulations of this chapter or chapter 4 of this title governing development, including, without limitation, those regulations governing development in commercial zones, unless otherwise provided in the Overlay Specific Plan. (Ord. 21-O-2838, eff. 6-25-2021)
Except as otherwise provided in this article, no lot, premises, building or portion thereof in zone C-3 shall be used for any purpose other than the following:
Cabaret within the business triangle subject to the provisions of section 10-3-1620 of this chapter. For the purposes of this use, "business triangle" shall mean the area bounded by the centerline of Wilshire Boulevard, the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard (south roadway), and the centerline of the alley between Canon Drive and Crescent Drive.
Carpenter shop.
Cinema or theater.
Dancing academy.
Dressmaking or millinery store.
Exercise club.
Medical uses as defined in section 10-3-100 of this chapter that comply with section 10-3-1620.1 of this article and cosmetic spas that comply with section 10-3-1620.2 of this article.
Paint, paperhanger, or decorating shop or store.
Parking garage.
Photography gallery.
Plumbing shop.
Private training center of no more than three thousand (3,000) square feet of floor area in the business triangle and two thousand (2,000) square feet of floor area outside the business triangle.
Roofing or plastering store or office.
Shop for the conducting of wholesale or retail business.
Any similar use. (1962 Code § 10-401; amd. Ord. 69-O-1349, eff. 7-1-1969; Ord. 69-O-1357, eff. 10-16-1969, retroactive to 10-1-1969; Ord. 80-O-1770, eff. 10-2-1980; Ord. 91-O-2133, eff. 12-5-1991; Ord. 94-O-2205, eff. 8-5-1994; Ord. 02-O-2409, eff. 11-8-2002; Ord. 11-O-2602, eff. 2-11-2011; Ord. 21-O-2846, eff. 11-12-2021; Ord. 22-O-2864, eff. 10-21-2022)
No building, structure, or improvement shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, or enlarged in zone C-3 which is designed, arranged, or intended to be used or occupied, and no building now existing or hereafter to be constructed in zone C-3 shall be used or occupied for any purpose other than as:
Carpenter shops.
Commercial garages.
Dancing academies.
Dressmaking or millinery shops or stores.
Medical uses as defined in section 10-3-100 of this chapter that comply with section 10-3-1620.1 of this article and cosmetic spas that comply with section 10-3-1620.2 of this article.
Paint, paperhanger, and decorating stores.
Photographic galleries.
Places of amusement.
Plumbing shops.
Religious Institutions.
Roofing or plastering stores or offices.
Store or shop for conducting wholesale or retail businesses.
Other similar enterprises and institutions, except as in this chapter otherwise provided.
(1962 Code § 10-402; amd. Ord. 80-O-1770, eff. 10-2-1980; Ord. 11-O-2602, eff. 2-11-2011; Ord. 22-O-2864, eff. 10-21-2022; Ord. 24-O-2894, eff. 6-7-2024)
The following uses shall be prohibited in the C-3 Zone:
Adult hotels/motels and sexual encounter centers as defined in section 10-3-2771 of this chapter.
Automatic machine self-service type laundries containing more than five (5) machines of the usual household type or larger.
Car washes employing more than four (4) employees or involving machinery other than water treatment equipment as necessary to comply with local, State and Federal law, but excepting car washes that are conditionally permitted pursuant to car washes listed in section 10-3-1604 of this article.
Dyeing establishments.
Hospitals in which patients are permitted to remain overnight.
Machine laundries.
Public and private stables.
Rug cleaning establishments.
Sanatoriums in which patients are permitted to remain overnight.
Self-service laundries.
Sheet metal shops.
Steam laundries.
Undertaking establishments. (1962 Code § 10-404; amd. Ord. 69-O-1349, eff. 7-1-1969; Ord. 69-O-1357, eff. 10-16-1969, retroactive to 10-1-1969; Ord. 91-O-2133, eff. 12-5-1991; Ord. 94-O-2212, eff. 9-9-1994; Ord. 98-O-2301, eff. 7-2-1998; Ord. 9-O-2336, eff. 11-4-1999; Ord. 11-O-2602, eff. 2-11-2011; Ord. 19-O-2786, eff. 8-16-2019; Ord. 22-O-2864, eff. 10-21-2022)
The following uses shall be permitted in the C-3 Zone only if authorized by a conditional use permit issued pursuant to the provisions of article 38 of this chapter:
Alternative parking facilities used to provide required parking for commercial uses, excluding medical uses, pursuant to section 10-3-2730.4 of this chapter.
Amusement parks.
Brewing or manufacture of alcoholic beverages that is ancillary to a dining or bar use or is ancillary to a retail store that sells alcoholic beverages.
Car washes that:
A. Are enclosed in a building;
B. Exclusively serve a business whose operation is primarily devoted to the sales, long term leasing or rental of automobiles or other motorized vehicles;
C. Are located on the site of the business being served; and
D. Do not exceed twenty feet (20') in width or forty feet (40') in length.
When reviewing the conditional use permit application for such car washes, the Planning Commission shall consider the conditional use permit criteria set forth in section 10-3-1613 of this article.
Childcare uses licensed pursuant to State law.
Convenience stores not occupying a tenant space whose primary entrance opens into the interior of a commercial building.
Cosmetic spas pursuant to section 10-3-1620.2 of this article.
Drive-up, drive-in and drive-through facilities, subject to the provisions of section 10-3-1612 of this article.
Educational institutions.
Hotels, subject to the provisions of article 28.6 of this chapter.
Mini-shopping centers subject to the provisions of section 10-3-1611 of this article.
Nightclubs within the business triangle, subject to the provisions of section 10-3-1619 of this article. For the purposes of this use, the "business triangle" shall mean the area bounded by the centerline of Wilshire Boulevard, the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard, south roadway, and the centerline of the alley between Canon Drive and Crescent Drive.
Off site parking pursuant to section 10-3-2733 of this chapter.
Private training centers of more than three thousand (3,000) square feet of floor area in the business triangle and more than two thousand (2,000) square feet of floor area outside the business triangle.
Public utility uses, except as provided in section 10-3-2754 of this chapter.
Religious institutions.
A. The establishment or expansion of any activity that qualifies as a vehicle sales, service or fuel station use shall require a separate conditional use permit.
B. Notwithstanding other provisions of this use, a vehicle sales, service or fuel station that involves only the installation of vehicle accessories shall not require a conditional use permit unless such vehicle sales, service or fuel station is located adjacent to a Residential Zone or separated from a Residential Zone only by a public right-of-way. For the purposes of this use, the term "vehicle accessories" shall include, but not be limited to, tires and alarms, but shall not include engine or body parts.
(Ord. 91-O-2133, eff. 12-5-1991; amd. Ord. 94-O-2205, eff. 8-5-1994; Ord. 94-O-2212, eff. 9-9-1994; Ord. 94-O-2212, eff. 9-9-1994; Ord. 98-O-2295, eff. 5-1-1998; Ord. 99-O-2336, eff. 11-4-1999; Ord. 12-O-2625, eff. 8-3-2012; Ord. 16-O-2712, eff. 12-22-2016; Ord. 16-O-2715, eff. 1-7-2017; Ord. 19-O-2786, eff. 8-16-2019; Ord. 21-O-2846, eff. 11-12-2021; Ord. 23-O-2881, eff. 11-17-2023; Ord. 24-O-2894, eff. 6-7-2024)