(a)   A Police Department is hereby established.  The membership of the Department shall not exceed:
      (1)   A Police Chief;
      (2)   One Assistant Chief of Police;
      (3)   Six Lieutenants;
      (4)   Five Sergeants; and
      (5)   Thirty-seven full-time patrol officers.
   In the event of a vacancy, the Mayor shall fill the position in accordance with Article VI, Section 3, of the Charter.  The Mayor is hereby authorized to employ such number of the following personnel as is necessary to meet the needs of the Department, but not to exceed one Clerk of Courts, one Assistant Clerk of Court, fifteen  Dispatcher Clerks, two Administrative Assistants, one Assistant Jail Administrator, part-time Police Patrol Officers, correction officers and school guards, as required.
(Ord.  2019-60.  Passed 5-6-19.)
   As used in this section, “part-time Police Patrol Officer” shall mean a person appointed by the Mayor to the position of part-time Police Patrol Officer which appointment is not in the classified Civil Service and shall be unclassified.  Part-time Police Patrol Officers shall be certified for appointment in accordance with Ohio R.C. 109.77 and shall remain so certified during their tenure with the Police Department.
(Ord.  2015-105.  Passed 7-13-15.)
   (b)    The Mayor may appoint two (2) of the lieutenants to have the additional duty of Police Captain.  Such Police Captains, in addition to the lieutenant’s regular assignment, shall be the assistants to the Chief of Police and shall have full command of the Department in the absence of the Chief when so assigned.  (Ord. 2015-16.  Passed 1-20-15.)
   (c)   The Mayor may appoint one (1) Dispatcher to have the additional duties of Dispatch Supervisor.  The Dispatch Supervisor, in addition to his/her Dispatcher duties, shall supervise the day to day operations of the Dispatch Center.
(Ord. 2017-70.  Passed 5-1-17.)