Architectural Board of Review
Architectural Board of Review
153.01 Established.
153.02 Qualifications of members.
153.03 Conflict of interest.
153.04 Organization.
153.05 Quorum.
153.06 Purpose.
153.07 Appeals
Power to establish - see CHTR. Art. VI, Sec. 1
Fee for review of plans and specifications - see BLDG. 1329.08
(a) There is hereby established an Architectural Board of Review which shall consist of three members, who shall be the Building Commissioner, the City Planner, and one additional member who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council for a term of three years. Current members of the Architectural Board who are not the appointed member shall serve as alternate members until the expiration of their terms.
(b) Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of an unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. Any member of the Board shall be subject to removal by the Mayor, with the consent of Council, for cause. In the event of a temporary absence or unavailability of any appointed member, an alternate member is hereby authorized to replace the appointed member during the appointed member's unavailability. Such alternate member shall possess all of the qualifications of an appointed member, shall have the same powers and perform the same duties and shall receive the same compensation as an appointed member for each meeting attended.
(Ord. 2009-152. Passed 12-7-09.)
(Ord. 2009-152. Passed 12-7-09.)
The appointed member of the Architectural Board of Review shall be a registered architect, duly registered and authorized to practice architecture in and under the laws of the State of Ohio, and shall have been actively engaged in the general practice of architecture as a registered architect in the State of Ohio for a period of not less than three years prior to appointment to the Board.
(Ord. 2009-152. Passed 12-7-09.)
(Ord. 2009-152. Passed 12-7-09.)