Department of Public Safety
Department of Public Safety
141.01 Mayor as Safety Director.
141.02 Special Police Officers.
Mayor may act as Safety Director - see CHTR. Art. IV, Sec. 4.4
Establishment of Department - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 1
Powers and duties of Safety Director - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 5
General duties and records of Safety Director - see Ohio R.C. 737.02 et seq.
The Mayor shall serve as Safety Director until such time as Council by ordinance makes other provision. (1964 Code §23.39)
The Safety Director is authorized to commission the Building Commissioner and his housing and building inspectors, and the Fire Chief and his fire inspectors who are not regular members of the Police Department, as Special Police Officers when necessary in connection with their duties.
The following rules and regulations shall apply to such Special Police Officers and their commissioning:
(a) The Special Police Officers shall receive no additional compensation for their duties as such;
(b) The Special Police Officers shall not be on the classified list of the Police Department nor eligible for participation in the Police Pension Fund;
(c) The Special Police Officers shall have the power to investigate, sign complaints, issue and serve summons and citations for the violation of the laws of the State and ordinances and citations of the City, and shall only exercise such powers with reference to the Administrative, Business Regulation, Fire Prevention, Health, Zoning, Building and Housing Codes of the City, and other similar ordinances or laws of the State relating or applicable to streets, sidewalks, tree lawns or other property belonging to the City, or construction within the City, or health regulations, or fire safety or housing regulations, and in such other specific instances as the Safety Director may from time to time direct.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, Special Police Officers shall not:
(1) Be armed while on duty or while acting in their capacity as Special Police Officers;
(3) Arrest, incarcerate or take into custody any person.
(Ord. 1996-82. Passed 4-15-96.)