Fire Department
         EDITOR'S NOTE:  Because of the frequency of employment change, provisions and benefits are not codified.  Such provisions and benefits are provided for in contracts by and between the City and the Beachwood Professional Fire Fighters Association, International Association of Firefighters, I.A.F.F. Local 2388.  Copies of the latest relevant legislation and of such contracts may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
147.01   Established; personnel.
147.02   Jurisdiction.
147.03   Appointment of Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief.
147.04   Rules and regulations.
147.05   Casualty insurance.
147.06   Fire Prevention Officer/Fire Inspectors.
147.07   Disposition of fire insurance proceeds.
147.08   Age limitation for part-time Community Emergency Response Team.
147.09   Fire, emergency medical and rescue protection to other governmental entities.
147.10   Provision of emergency medical services; fees and charges.
      Safety Director to administer - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 5
      Civil service classification - see CHTR. Art. VI, Sec. 3
      Vending machines - see ADM. 131.05
      Employees generally - see ADM. Ch. 165
      False fire alarm - see GEN. OFF. 648.08
      Crowd control at fires - see GEN. OFF. 648.06
      Hazardous materials incidents - see S. & P.S. Ch. 929
      Fire Prevention Officer - see FIRE PREV. 1503.04
   (a)   A Fire Department is hereby established which may consist of, but shall not exceed, the following members and executive officers:
      (1)   A Fire Chief;
      (2)   One Assistant Fire Chief;
      (3)   One Fire Prevention Officer and two Fire Inspectors;
      (4)   Four Captains;
      (5)   Six Lieutenants;
      (6)   Thirty-three full-time firefighters;
      (7)   Such number of Community Emergency Response Team (“CERT”) members as the Safety Director shall deem necessary;
      (8)   Two Administrative Assistants/Secretaries/Clerks.
   In the event of a vacancy, the Mayor shall fill the position in accordance with Article VI, Section 3, of the Charter.
   The Mayor is hereby authorized to employ such number of personnel as is necessary to meet the needs of the Department.
(Ord. 2016-35. Passed 2-16-16.)
   (b)   Part-time firefighters and part-time paramedics shall be under the direct control of the Fire Chief.  Part-time firefighters and part-time paramedics shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief and shall continue in such capacity at the pleasure of the Mayor or until resignation.
   (c)   The CERT members of the Fire Department shall be under the direct control of the Fire Chief.  The Fire Chief shall serve as Coordinator of Emergency Management in accordance with ORC Section 5502.25 for the City and shall determine the duties to be performed by CERT members.  Such CERT members shall be approved by the Mayor/Safety Director upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor/Safety Director, or until resignation.  CERT members shall meet such certification requirements and other qualifications as shall be established by the Fire Chief and approved by the Mayor/Safety Director.  The Fire Chief shall certify on a quarterly basis that each CERT member has met such requirements and qualifications.  The CERT program shall continue for such period of time as the Mayor/Safety Director shall deem necessary to provide for the safety and protection of the residents and visitors of the City.  (Ord. 2010-104.  Passed 7-26-10.)
   147.02  JURISDICTION.
   The Fire Department shall have jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to fire prevention, equipment, quarters, fire fighting, the installation, supervision and maintenance of fire alarm signal and communications systems, fire suppression systems and enforcement of fire laws and ordinances. 
(Ord. 1997-176.  Passed 10-6-97.)