   (a)    The Chief of Police, under the Safety Director, shall have general supervision and be the executive head of the Police Department; also the Chief of Police shall establish such rules and regulations for the government of the Police Department as shall be approved by the Mayor.
   (b)    The Lieutenants and Sergeants of the Police Department shall perform such executive duties in administering the Police Department as the Chief of Police or the Safety Director shall designate from time to time, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the Police Department.
   (c)    The Chief of Police and the other members and executive officers of the Police Department shall also have all the powers and authority conferred by the laws of Ohio upon police officers, and such other powers not inconsistent with the nature of their duties as are conferred by ordinance.  (1964 Code §23.43)
   (a)    The Chief of Police may suspend a member of the Police Department, with or without pay, for any violation of the rules and regulations of the Department or for any misconduct, as authorized in the Ohio Revised Code, by serving a copy of the written order of suspension personally on the member so suspended, or by leaving a copy of such order at the member's residence, setting forth the reason for such suspension. Such suspension shall be for not more than fifteen days unless a shorter period is required by either the laws of the State or by a collective bargaining agreement.
   (b)   A copy of the order of suspension shall be delivered to the Mayor who shall, without unreasonable delay, set a date and time for a hearing on the violations alleged by the Chief of Police in the Chief's notice of suspension. The Mayor shall notify the member suspended that the Mayor will conduct the hearing and enter a final judgment regarding the alleged violations and may impose a punishment if the allegations are sustained. At such hearing the member shall have a right to be present with the assistance of members of a collective bargaining group and legal counsel, present evidence and cross-eximine witnesses called against the member.
   (c)    The Mayor shall consider all of the evidence which he or she finds relevant and probative and shall render a decision without undue delay at the hearing.
(Ord. 1987-160. Passed 12-7-87.)
   145.06  TRAFFIC GUARDS.
   (a)    There is hereby created the position of traffic guard for the City for use during the school term of the Beachwood Board of Education.
   (b)    Traffic guards shall be appointed by the Safety Director as needed, and shall be under the control and supervision of the Chief of Police, who shall have the responsibility of designating their duties, hours and locations of work.
(1964 Code §23.49)