Department of Law
Department of Law
133.01 Law Director; appointment. (Repealed)
133.02 Duties; qualifications.
133.03 Hiring of assistants or special counsel.
133.04 Compensation.
133.05 Law Director not required to be resident or elector.
133.06 Limitation on duties of Law Director and assistants.
Establishment - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 1
Appointment, duties and qualifications of Law Director - see
CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 2
Annual report to Council - see Ohio R.C. 733.62
Authority to settle moral claims - see ADM. 131.04
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 133.01 was repealed by implication by the adoption of the voters of the revised City Charter on November 8, 1994. Article V, Section 2, of such Charter provides for the appointment of the Law Director.)
The Law Director shall serve the Mayor, Council, the administrative departments and the officers, boards and commissions of the Municipality as legal counsel in connection with Municipal affairs, and subject to the direction of the Mayor and Council. S/he shall represent the Municipality in all proceedings in court or before any administrative board or commission. S/he shall perform all other duties now or hereafter imposed upon municipal solicitors under the laws of Ohio, unless otherwise provided by ordinance of Council, and s/he shall perform such other duties consistent with his/her office as the Mayor or Council may request. No person shall act as Law Director unless duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of Ohio, and such person shall have had at least five years of experience in the active practice of law.
(Ord. 2014-51. Passed 4-21-14.)
(Ord. 2014-51. Passed 4-21-14.)