Department of Public Works
Department of Public Works
EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter was previously titled "Department of Public Service." It was changed as part of the 2019 updating and revision of these Codified Ordinances to conform to the change made in the revised City Charter which was adopted by the voters on November 6, 2018. Because of the frequency of change, employment provisions and benefits are not codified. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
139.01 Department established; Public Works Director.
139.02 Duties of Public Works Director.
139.03 Hiring of assistants; purchase of supplies.
139.04 Compensation of Public Works Director.
139.05 Emergency pay. (Repealed)
139.06 Inspectors for public works projects.
139.07 Additional duties and authority of the Staff Engineer.
Department established - see CHTR. Art. V, Sec. 1
Powers and duties of Service Director - see CHTR.
Management and control of cemeteries - see Ohio R.C.
759.09 et seq.
Employees generally - see ADM. Ch. 165
Street excavations; permit issuance - see S. & P.S. 901.02
Director's powers as to trees - see S. & P.S. 923.02 et seq.
There is hereby established pursuant to Art. V, Section 6, of the City Charter, in and for the City, a department to be known as the Department of Public Works, which shall be administered by an officer to be known as the Public Works Director, and such assistants, clerks and employees as are hereinafter provided. The Public Works Director shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation of Council, and shall continue in office until removed therefrom by a majority vote of the members elected to Council. The Chief of Police shall be eligible to appointment and to hold the office of Public Works Director so long as such service will not interfere with his full-time duties as Chief of the Police Department.
(1964 Code §23.30)
The Public Works Director shall supervise the duties of the Department, which shall comprise the improvement, repair, cleaning and clearing of streets, roads, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, bridges, ditches, drains, storm and sanitary sewers, culverts, streams and watercourses and other public places; the lighting of streets and other public places; the collection of garbage and refuse throughout the Municipality, and the maintenance of public buildings and other property of the Municipality not under the control of the Police and Fire Departments or the other officers of the Municipality. The Public Works Director shall perform such other duties consistent with the nature of his office as Council shall require from time to time. (1964 Code §23.31)