General Provisions
   50.001   Definitions
   50.002   Prohibited acts
   50.003   Powers and authority of inspectors
   50.004   Right to meter
   50.005   Abrogation and greater restrictions
Operation and Maintenance of Water and Sewer System
   50.020   Application for use of water and sewer
   50.021   Minimum user charge
   50.022   Town to make connections; charges
   50.023   Connection procedures
   50.024   Customer responsibility
   50.025   Work on private property
   50.026   Shut-off valve; care of connections and fixtures
   50.027   Authority to operate valves to cut-on or cut-off water service
   50.028   Metered water; broken waterlines; inoperative meter
   50.029   Maintenance of meters
   50.030   Resale of water
   50.031   Separate connection required for each lot; multiple structures on a lot
   50.032   Fire hydrants
   50.033   Unnecessary use
   50.034   Water and sewer extensions within the corporate limits
   50.035   Water and sewer extensions outside the corporate limits
   50.036   Private water and sewer systems outside the corporate limits
Operation and Maintenance of Sewage Collection and Disposal System
   50.050   Use of public sewers required
   50.051   When use of private wastewater disposal allowed
   50.052   Building sewers and connections
   50.053   Use of public sewers
Water and Sewer Revenues
   50.065   Deposit
   50.066   Water rates
   50.067   Sewer rates
   50.068   Water and sewer connection fees
   50.069   Disconnection for late payment
   50.070   Termination for change of occupancy
   50.071   Termination by the town without notice
Water Shortage Response
   50.085   Purpose
   50.086   Definitions
   50.087   Declaration of voluntary conservation
   50.088   Declaration of mandatory conservation
   50.089   Declaration of water shortage emergency
   50.090   Declaration of rationing
   50.091   Objectives of rationing
   50.092   Water use rationing for residential users
   50.093   Water use rationing for nonresidential water users
   50.094   Water use rationing for hospitals and health care facilities
   50.095   Enforcement of water rationing
   50.096   Shortage water rates
   50.097   Regulations
   50.098   Conservation measures
   50.110   Notice of violation of chapter
   50.111   Liability for damages; other remedies
   50.112   Violations of water shortage regulations
   50.999   General penalty; enforcement of chapter and continuing violations
Statutory reference:
   Water and sewer system; authority to operate, see G.S. § 160A-312