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Banks Overview
Banks, OR Code of Ordinances
General Provisions
   151.001   Title
   151.002   Purposes
   151.003   Highest standard applies
   151.004   Requirement versus guideline
   151.005   Lot of record and legal determination
   151.006   Code interpretations
   151.007   Enforcement
   151.008   Definitions
   151.009   Calculations
   151.010   Dwellings located outside city limits
Establishment of Zones and Overlay Zones
   151.020   Zones
   151.021   Overlay zones
   151.022   Zoning classifications
   151.023   Location of zones and overlay zones
   151.024   Zoning map
   151.025   Zoning of annexed areas
Residential Zoning Regulations
   151.035   Purpose
   151.036   Permitted land uses in residential zones
   151.037   Development standards for residential zones
   151.038   Accessory uses and structures
Nonresidential Zoning Regulations
   151.050   Purpose
   151.051   Community Facilities Zone; permitted land uses
   151.052   Commercial zones; permitted land uses
   151.053   General Industrial Zone; permitted land uses
   151.054   Development standards for nonresidential zones
Overlay Zones
   151.065   Historic Resource Overlay Zone H
Special Use Standards
   151.075   Accessory dwelling unit
   151.076   Manufactured home park
   151.077   Home occupations
   151.078   Live/work residence
   151.079   Commercial uses in residential zones
   151.080   Medical marijuana and recreational marijuana
   151.081   Drive-through facilities
   151.082   Bed and breakfast
   151.083   Auto wrecking yards or junk yards
   151.084   Natural resource extraction
   151.085   Temporary uses
General Exceptions to Standards
   151.095   General exceptions to lot size requirements
   151.096   General exceptions to front yard requirements
   151.097   General exception to building height limitations
   151.098   Projections from buildings
Commercial Building Design
   151.110   Purpose
   151.111   Applicability
Residential Building Design
   151.125   Purpose
   151.126   Residential design standards
   151.127   Design standards for cottage clusters
On-Site Pedestrian Access and Circulation
   151.140   Purpose
   151.141   Applicability
   151.142   Standards
Landscaping, Screening and Fencing
   151.155   Landscaping requirements
   151.156   Screening and buffering
   151.157   Fences
Parking and Loading
   151.170   Purpose
   151.171   General provisions
   151.172   Number of required parking spaces
   151.173   Parking determination
   151.174   Off-street parking design standards
   151.175   Parking lot landscaping
   151.176   Parking lot enclosure and screening
   151.177   Bicycle parking
   151.178   Off-street loading requirement
Outdoor Lighting
   151.190   Purpose
   151.191   Applicability
   151.192   Standard
Vision Clearance Requirements
   151.205   Vision clearance requirements
Public Facilities
   151.215   Transportation facilities
   151.216   City may require traffic impact analysis
   151.217   When traffic impact study is required; preparation
   151.218   Performance bonds
Applications and Review Procedures
   151.230   Purpose and applicability
   151.231   Type I procedure (staff review and zoning checklist)
   151.232   Type II procedure (administrative review with notice)
   151.233   Type III procedure (quasi-judicial review; public hearing)
   151.234   Type IV (legislative decisions)
   151.235   Time limit, consolidated review and City Planning Official's duties
   151.236   Neighborhood contact
   151.237   Filing fees
   151.238   Time limit on land use approvals
Site Design Review
   151.250   Purpose
   151.251   Applicability
   151.252   Review procedure
   151.253   Application submission requirements
   151.254   Approval criteria
   151.255   Assurances
   151.256   Compliance with conditions, permit expiration and modifications
Conditional Use Permits
   151.270   Purpose
   151.271   Approvals process
   151.272   Application submission requirements
   151.273   Criteria, standards and conditions of approval
Modifications to Approved Plans and Conditions
   151.285   Purpose
   151.286   Applicability
   151.287   Major modifications
   151.288   Minor modifications
Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Map, Zoning Map or Code
   151.300   Purpose
   151.301   Authorization to initiate and approve amendments
   151.302   Procedure
   151.303   Criteria
   151.304   Record of amendments
   151.305   Transportation planning rule compliance
   151.306   Limitation on reapplications
Adjustments and Variances
   151.320   Purpose
   151.321   Intent
   151.322   Adjustments
   151.323   Variances
   151.324   Expiration
Master Planned Developments
   151.335   Purpose
   151.336   Applicability
   151.337   Review and approvals process
   151.338   Modifications to development standards
   151.339   Concept plan submission
   151.340   Concept plan approval criteria
   151.341   Concept plan and expiration
   151.342   Detailed development plan submission
   151.343   Detailed development plan approval criteria
   151.344   Subsequent development reviews
Nonconforming Situations
   151.355   Purpose and applicability
Flood Damage Prevention
   151.365   Purpose
   151.366   Definitions
   151.367   Applicability
   151.368   Basis for establishing the area of special flood hazard
   151.369   Penalties for nonconformance
   151.370   Abrogation and severability
   151.371   Interpretation
   151.372   Warning and disclaimer of liability
   151.373   Establishment of development permit
   151.374   Designation of local Floodplain Administrator
   151.375   Duties and responsibilities of the local administrator
   151.376   General standards
   151.377   Specific standards
   151.378   Before regulatory floodway
   151.379   Floodway
   151.380   Standards for shallow flooding areas (AO Zones)
   151.999   Penalty
§ 151.001 TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known as the City of Banks Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)
§ 151.002 PURPOSES.
   The several purposes of this chapter are: to encourage the most appropriate use of land; to conserve and stabilize the value of property; to aid in the rendering of fire and police protection; to provide adequate open space for light and air; to lessen the congestion on streets; to give an orderly growth to the city; to prevent undue concentrations of population; to facilitate adequate provisions for community utilities and facilities such as water, sewage, electrical distribution systems, transportation, schools, parks, and other public requirements; to promote economic prosperity; and in general to promote public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)
   Where a provision of this chapter conflicts with another chapter or ordinance, the provision or requirements that are more restrictive shall govern.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)
   The use of the word "shall," "must," "required," or similar directive terms, means the Code provision is a requirement. The use of the word "should," "encouraged," "recommended," or similar terms, means the provision is a guideline, which may be imposed as a requirement, but only where the applicable code criteria allow the city decision-making authority to exercise such discretion.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)
   The Planning Official, through a Type I land use decision procedure, shall process requests to validate a lot of record. A property owner may request the city deem a lot or parcel a "lot of record." The City Planning Official shall find that a lot of record exists when a lot or parcel was lawfully created prior to the effective date of this Code. Two or more lawfully created lots or parcels subject to a lot of record validation request which are nonconforming to the zoning code, contiguous and under identical ownership shall be combined into one lot of record, except if the creation of the lot(s) or parcel(s) was approved by the city or Washington County under applicable partition or subdivision regulations. A lot of record determination does not authorize a use or development that does not comply with other provisions of this Code. When decided by the Planning Commission, appeals are made to the City Council and subsequently to the Land Use Board of Appeals.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)
   Some terms or phrases within this Code may be unclear or have 2 or more reasonable meanings. This section provides a process for resolving differences in the interpretation of the Code text.
   (A)   Authorization of similar uses. Where a proposed use is not specifically identified by this Code, or the Code is unclear as to whether the use is allowed in a particular zone, the Planning Official may find the use permitted or allowed subject to conditional use permit only if it is found to be similar to another use that is permitted or allowed conditionally in the subject zone. However, uses and activities that this Code specifically prohibits in the subject zone, and uses and activities that the Planning Official finds are similar to those that are prohibited, are not allowed.
   (B)   Code interpretation procedure. Requests for code interpretations, including but not limited to similar use determinations, shall be made in writing to the Planning Official and shall be processed as a Type II review per § 151.232.
      (1)   The Planning Official may request the matter be heard by the Planning Commission through a Type III process. If so, the Planning Official within 14 days of the inquiry shall advise the person making the inquiry in writing as to when the Planning Commission will make a formal interpretation.
      (2)   Where an interpretation requires discretion, the Planning Official shall inform the person making the request that Planning Commission review is required and advise the applicant on how to make the request. At a minimum, an application for code interpretation shall include a letter citing the nature and reasons for the request and the city fee for quasi-judicial review. The Planning Commission then shall review relevant background information, including but not limited to other relevant Code sections and previous city land use decisions, and follow the quasi-judicial review and public hearing decision making procedures in § 151.233.
   (C)   Referral to City Council. Where a code interpretation may have significant citywide policy implications, the Planning Commission may bypass the Type III procedure and refer the request directly to the City Council for its legislative review in a public hearing; such public hearings shall be conducted following the procedure of § 151.234.
   (D)   Written interpretation. Following the city decision on a code interpretation application, the Planning Official shall mail or deliver the city's decision in writing to the person requesting it, to any other person who specifically requested a copy of the decision, and to those who provided public testimony, as applicable. The decision shall become effective when the appeal period for the decision expires.
   (E)   Interpretations on file. The city shall keep on file a record of its code interpretations.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)