(A)   Generally. Corner lots shall have vision clearance as follows.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   In zones where front yards are required, each leg of the vision clearance triangle shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length.
      (2)   Vision clearance triangles shall be kept free of all visual obstructions from 2 and 1/2 feet to 9 feet above the curb line. Where curbs are absent, the crown of adjacent streets shall be used as the point of reference.
      (3)   Vision clearance requirements on corner lots may be waived by the City Council or his or her designee, if the City Council finds that:
         (a)   Traffic entering the intersection is controlled by traffic signals or stop signs;
         (b)   The distance from the curb line to the property line is 10 feet or more; and
         (c)   On-street vehicle parking, street trees or other plantings do not interfere with necessary vision clearance; or, in lieu of these 3 findings, that;
         (d)   Topographic conditions are so extreme that it is not practical to provide required vision clearance.
   Figure 3.8-A Vision Clearance Triangle
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)