(A)   Applicability. The standards in this section apply to all new single detached, duplex, triplex, fourplex, and townhome development, unless otherwise indicated per the divisions below. The standards in this section also apply to conversion of an existing dwelling into one of the subject dwelling types (for example, conversion of a single detached dwelling into a duplex).
   (B)   Entry location and orientation standard. At least one main entrance for each structure that faces a street, and each townhome unit that faces a street, must meet the following standards.
      (1)   Be set back no further than 20 feet from the abutting public street or public pedestrian way.
      (2)   Either:
         (a)   Face the street;
         (b)   Be at an angle of up to 45 degrees from the street;
         (c)   Face a common open space that is adjacent to the street; or
         (d)   Open onto a porch. If the entrance opens onto a porch, the porch must:
            1.   Be at least 24 square feet in area with a minimum four-foot depth.
            2.   Have at least 1 porch entry facing the street.
            3.   Have a roof that is no more than 12 feet above the floor of the porch.
            4.   Have a roof that covers at least 30% of the porch area.
   (C)   Entry location and orientation guideline. Building elevations facing streets, shared courts, and common greens should include pedestrian oriented entrances. Special attention should be given to designing a primary building entrance that is both attractive and functional. Primary entrances should incorporate changes in mass, surface, or finish to emphasize the entrance.
   (D)   Limitation on parking. Off-street parking is not allowed within the front yard of a dwelling except within a designated driveway or garage.
   (E)   Garage standards. Where 1 or more garages face a street, the following standards apply:
      (1)   The front elevation of the garage(s) may not extend in front of the longest, street-facing elevation of the primary dwelling structure.
      (2)   The width of all garages on the street-facing elevation shall not exceed 60% of the total width of that elevation. The width of the garage shall be measured from the edges of the finished exterior garage wall.
      (3)   If the front elevation of the garage is set back at least 5 feet from the street-facing elevation of the primary dwelling structure, the garage width standard in division (E)(2) does not apply.
      (4)   Garages that face a street shall contain at least one of the following design features:
         (a)   Garage trellis or pergola extending at least 12 inches from the building face;
         (b)   Windows on 15% of the garage door;
         (c)   Decorative hardware;
         (d)   Natural wood finish;
         (e)   A recess of at least 3 feet behind the primary dwelling; or
         (f)   Multiple materials finish or colors are used.
   (F)   Garages guideline. Garages should not be a dominant feature of the front residential elevation. Garage doors should be articulated to reduce their visual impact.
   (G)   Windows standard. A minimum of 15% of the area of all street-facing facades must include windows or entrance doors. Facades separated from the street property line by a dwelling are exempt from meeting this standard.
   (H)   Windows guideline. Building elevations facing streets, shared courts, and common greens should include ample levels of glazing to ensure articulation on the facade, daylighting of interior spaces and visibility into the public realm.
   (I)   Detailed design standards.
      (1)   All single detached dwellings, duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes shall incorporate at least 5 of the following elements on the street-facing facade. All townhome units shall incorporate at least 2 of the following elements on the street-facing facade. For corner lots, this standard applies to both street-facing facades.
         (a)   Covered porch at least 36 square feet with a depth not less than 6 feet as measured perpendicular from the face of the main building facade to the edge of the porch.
         (b)   Recessed entry area at least 2 feet deep, as measured horizontally from the face of the main building facade, and at least 5 feet wide.
         (c)   Offset on the building face of at least 16 inches from one exterior wall surface to the other.
         (d)   Dormer that is at least 4 feet wide.
         (e)   Roof eaves with a minimum projection of 12 inches from the intersection of the roof and the exterior walls.
         (f)   Roof line offsets of at least 2 feet from the top surface of 1 roof to the top surface of the other.
         (g)   Tile shingle roofs.
         (h)   Horizontal lap siding between 3 to 7 inches wide (the visible portion once installed).
         (i)   Brick, cedar shingles, stucco, or other similar decorative materials covering at least 40% of the street-facing facade.
         (j)   Gable roof, hip roof, or gambrel roof design.
         (k)   Window trim around all windows at least 3 inches wide and 5/8 inches deep.
         (l)   Window recesses, in all windows, of at least three inches as measured horizontally from the face of the building facade.
         (m)   Balcony that is at least 3 feet deep, 5 feet wide, and accessible from an interior room.
         (n)   Bay window at least 1 foot deep and 3 feet wide.
         (o)   Attached garage width, as measured between the edges of the exterior finished garage wall, of 30% or less of the total width of that elevation.
         (p)   Permanent solar rooftop panels covering at least 60% of the roof area.
         (q)   Workable shutters on the exterior of ground floor windows.
   (J)   Detailed design guideline. Building elevations facing streets, shared courts, and common greens should include pedestrian oriented design elements and other design features that provide articulation, variety, interest and quality.
   (K)   House plan variety standards. This standard applies to new detached single dwelling developments only.
      (1)   No 2 directly adjacent or opposite dwellings in a single dwelling detached development of more than four units may have the same front or street-facing facade. This standard is met when front or street-facing facades differ from one another by at least 3 of the elements listed in divisions (K)(2) through (K)(7) below. Where facades repeat on the same block face, they must have at least 3 intervening lots between them that meet this standard.
      (2)   Materials. The plans specify different exterior cladding materials, a different combination of materials, or different dimensions, spacing, or arrangement of the same materials. This standard does not require or prohibit any combination of materials; it only requires that plans not repeat or mirror one another.
      (3)   Articulation. The plans have different offsets, recesses, or projections; or the front building elevations break in different places. For example, a plan that has a stoop entry (recess) varies from one that has an entry under a front porch (projection). For this standard to apply, a recess must have a minimum depth of 4 feet and a projection or offset must be at least 4 feet in depth.
      (4)   Variation in roof elevation. The plans have different roof forms (e.g., gable versus gambrel or hip), different roof height (by at least 10%), different orientation (e.g., front-facing versus side-facing gable), different roof projections (e.g., with and without dormer or shed, or different type of dormer or shed), or different roof pitch by more than 2 feet of vertical rise to 12 feet of horizontal run.
      (5)   Entry or porch. The plans have different configuration or detailing of the front porch or covered entrance.
      (6)   Fenestration. The plans have different placement, shape, or orientation of windows or different placement of doors.
      (7)   Height. The elevation of the primary roofline (along the axis of the longest roofline) changes by not less than 4 feet from building to building, or from dwelling unit to dwelling unit, on abutting lots, as applicable. Changes in finished grade of 8 feet or more from 1 lot to the adjacent lot are counted toward change in height for purposes of evaluating facade variation.
   (L)   House plan variety guideline. New residential developments should provide a variety of house styles and means of articulation along the front facade to avoid repetitive facades along a block face.
   (M)   Access and parking. This standard applies to new townhome development only. Townhomes with frontage on a public street shall meet the following standards:
      (1)   Garages on the front facade of a townhouse, off-street parking areas in the front yard, and driveways in front of a townhouse are prohibited unless the following standards are met. For the purposes of this section, "driveway approach" means the edge of a driveway where it abuts a public right-of-way.
         (a)   Each townhouse lot has a street frontage of at least 15 feet on a local street.
         (b)   A maximum of 1 driveway approach is allowed for every townhouse. Driveways may be shared.
         (c)   Outdoor on-site parking and maneuvering areas do not exceed 12 feet wide on any lot.
         (d)   The garage width does not exceed 12 feet, as measured from the inside of the garage door frame.
   (N)   Driveway approach. This standard applies to new triplex and fourplex developments only. Driveway approaches shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The total width of all driveway approaches must not exceed 20 feet per frontage, as measured at the property line. For lots or parcels with more than one frontage, see division (N)(3) below.
      (2)   Driveway approaches may be separated when located on a local street. If approaches are separated, they must meet applicable driveway spacing standards for local streets.
      (3)   In addition, lots or parcels with more than one frontage must comply with the following:
         (a)   Lots or parcels must access the street with the lowest classification. For lots or parcels abutting an alley, access must be taken from the alley.
         (b)   Lots or parcels with frontages only on collectors and/or arterial streets must meet the applicable access standards for collectors and/or arterials.
         (c)   Triplexes and fourplexes on lots or parcels with frontages only on local streets may have either:
            1.   Two driveway approaches not exceeding 20 feet in total width on 1 frontage; or
            2.   One maximum 12-foot-wide driveway approach per frontage.
   (O)   There is no design guideline associated with divisions (M) or (N) related to access, parking, or driveways. Adjustments to those standards require an adjustment or variance approval pursuant to §§ 151.320 through 151.324.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)