(A)   Purpose and applicability. Applicants for master planned development, subdivision, or site design review on projects involving parcels or lots larger than one acre, and property owner-applicants for zone changes, are required to contact neighboring property owners, residents and tenants and offer to hold a meeting with them prior to submitting an application. This is to ensure that affected property owners are given an opportunity to preview a proposal and offer input to the applicant before a plan is formally submitted to the city, thereby raising any concerns about the project and the project's compatibility with surrounding uses early in the design process when changes can be made relatively inexpensively.
   (B)   Notice. Notice of the meeting must be given in writing and delivered in person, or by certified mail, to all of the property owners, residents and tenants whose property is located within 300 feet of the site, at their addresses of record at the Washington County Assessor's office, at least 14 days before the meeting and at least 21 days before submitting the application to the city. The notice must state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, including a description of the proposed development.
   (C)   Meeting place, date, and time. The meeting must be held within the city limits at a location obtained or provided by the applicant with sufficient room for the expected attendance. The meeting place must be accessible to persons with disabilities. It must be scheduled at a date and time reasonably calculated to allow maximum participation by interested property owners, typically weekdays after 6:00pm or on weekends.
   (D)   Conduct of meeting. At the meeting, the applicant, or the applicant's agent/representative, must present sufficient information about the proposed development to inform the property owners in attendance of the nature of the proposal and impacts it may have on neighboring properties, including transportation impacts. Persons attending must be allowed to ask questions and make comments. The applicant, or the applicant's agent/representative, must make a sound or video recording or keep written minutes of the meeting that give a true reflection of the matters discussed at the meeting and the views of the participants. The applicant must also make a list of names of persons attending the meeting.
   (E)   Filing requirements. Proof of having held the meeting, even if no affected property owners attend, is required and must be submitted to the city with a land use application for the application to be deemed complete. Copies of the following information must accompany the land use application: a copy of the notice mailed, certified mail receipts, all addresses for which notice was mailed (e.g., copy of mailing labels), a certificate of personal service for those persons who were provided notice by personal service (including the date of service and the name of the person who provided service), a record or minutes of the meeting with a list of attendees, and copies of the meeting notice and all other written materials provided prior to or distributed at the meeting.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)