(A)   Type I procedure (staff review). The City Planning Official, or designee, without public notice and without a public hearing, makes ministerial decisions through the Type I procedure. Ministerial decisions are those where city standards and criteria do not require the exercise of discretion (i.e., there are clear and objective standards).
   (B)   Zoning checklist. The City Planning Official reviews proposals requiring a Type I review using a zoning checklist. The zoning checklist is a preliminary review that is intended to ensure a project proposal meets the basic requirements of the applicable zone before more detailed plans are prepared and before the city authorizes the Building Official to issue a building permit.
   (C)   Application requirements.
      (1)   Application forms. Approvals requiring Type I review, including zoning checklists, shall be made on forms provided by the city.
      (2)   Application requirements. When a zoning checklist is required, it shall:
         (a)   Include the information requested on the application form;
         (b)   Address the criteria in sufficient detail for review and action; and
         (c)   Be filed with the required fee.
   (D)   Approval required. The city shall not act upon an application for land use approval, and a building permit shall not be issued, until the City Planning Official has approved a zoning checklist for the proposed project.
   (E)   Criteria and decision. The City Planning Official's review of a zoning checklist is intended to determine whether minimum code requirements are met and whether any other land use permit or approval is required prior to issuance of a building permit.
   (F)   Effective date. A zoning checklist decision is final on the date it is signed by the City Planning Official. It is not a land use decision as defined by O.R.S. 197.015, and therefore is not subject to appeal to the state Land Use Board of Appeals.
(Ord. 2021-08-02, passed 10-12-2021)