18.118.030   DEFINITIONS.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. The word “shall” is always mandatory and not merely directory. Any words, terms or phrases not defined by this chapter shall have the same definition given in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions).
   .010   “A” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0101   “Accessory Use, Permitted.” A “Permitted Accessory Use” is a use which is considered to be compatible with a permitted primary use, while being clearly incidental to and integrated with the permitted primary use. A “Permitted Accessory Use” is permitted as of right, provided that the specific proposal for such a use conforms to all requirements of the Specific Plan. A “Permitted Accessory Use” is a use which is secondary or subordinate to a permitted primary use.
   .030   “C” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0301   “Centerline.” A reference line indicating the center of a wall or street.
      .0302   “Commercial-Recreation (CR) Area.” An area within the City of Anaheim designated as a family-oriented tourist destination that encourages the development of integrated facilities in attractive settings for retail businesses directly related to entertaining, lodging and supplying services to tourists and visitors, as indicated in the City of Anaheim General Plan.
   .040   “D” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0401   “Development.” The improvement of the property for purposes of constructing the structures, improvements and facilities comprising the project, as set forth in the Specific Plan, including, without limitation: grading; the construction of infrastructure and public facilities relating to the project whether located within or outside the property; the construction of any structure; and the installation of utilities and landscaping.
      .0402   “Drive.” An on-site vehicular passageway between Clementine and Zeyn Streets for the exclusive use of the occupants of a project or property and their guests. A drive shall not be considered a street. Parking shall be permitted on a drive, provided the drive complies with the applicable City Standard on file in the office of the Director of Public Works and Planning Director pertaining to off-street parking dimensions.
      .0403   “District A.” That portion of the Specific Plan Area comprising approximately five and ninety-five hundredths (5.95) acres, and more particularly described in Attachment A of Ordinance No 5614.
      .0404   “District B.” That portion of the Specific Plan Area comprising approximately eighty-five hundredths (.85) acre, and more particularly described in Attachment B of Ordinance No. 5614. (Ord. 5614 § 1; October 21, 1997: Ord. 5998 § 77; October 25, 2005.)
   .050   “F” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0501   “Fence.” An artificially constructed barrier, constructed solely of metal or metal and wood, and intended to enclose and screen areas from adjacent property and/or public rights-of-way.
      .0502   “Full Service Hotel.” Provides restaurant(s), retail space, and meeting/banquet facilities which are available to guests and the general public. Full service hotels may include standard guest rooms, suites, or a combination of both.
   .060   “G” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0601   “General Plan.” The City's comprehensive, long-term planning document which sets forth the goals and objectives for the City.
      .0602   “Gross Area” or “Gross Acres.” The entire land area (in acres) within the boundary of the Specific Plan Area (which entails the consolidation of nine individual parcels), measured to the right-of-way line of any abutting public street. The gross acreage of the Specific Plan includes property for the previously approved or built hotels, which are incorporated into the Hotel Circle project for planning purposes.
      .0603   “Gross Square Footage.” The total square footage of a building or structure, or a specific area within a building, including the exterior walls of all floors.
      .0604   “Guest Room.” A hotel guest room with a keyed entry, which provides sleeping and sitting areas and a full bath.
   .070   “H” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0701   “Hotel/Motel.” Provides guest rooms or suites, and may include continental breakfast service, game room, gift shop and gym for guests.
   .080   “L” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0801   “Lot” or “Parcel.” (1) A “Parcel” of real property, shown on the effective date of this ordinance as a delineated parcel of land, with a number or other designation, on a plat recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County; or (2) a “Parcel” of real property not delineated as (1) above, abutting at least one (1) public street, and held under separate ownership from adjacent property prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter; or (3) a parcel of real property not delineated as in (1) above, containing an area not less than the prescribed minimum square footage and lot width required for this zone, and abutting at least one (1) public street, if the same was a portion of a larger piece of unsubdivided real property held under single ownership prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter.
   .090   “P” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .0901   “Parking Facilities.” An area or structure intended for the temporary storage of automobiles and other vehicles. Such facilities may consist of, but are not limited to, surface parking lots, parking structures and parking areas under buildings, or subterranean parking.
      .0902   “Planning Director.” The “Planning Director” of the City of Anaheim, or his or her duly authorized designee.
      .0903   “Porte-Cochere.” An accessory use consisting of a reserved space, roofed or unroofed, attached to the side or front of a building, and established for the convenient loading and unloading of passengers.
      .0904   “Primary Use, Permitted.” A “Permitted Primary Use” is a use that is contemplated to be the main and predominant use. Such use is permitted as of right, provided that the specific proposal for such use conforms to all requirements of the Specific Plan.
      .0905   “Project.” The development “Project” contemplated by the Hotel Circle Specific Plan consists of: two (2) existing hotels with two hundred sixty-nine (269) rooms; the redesigned Katella Hotel with two hundred fifty (250) rooms, including up to a fifteen thousand (15,000) square foot freestanding restaurant; and the development of two (2) hotels with up to four hundred fifty (450) rooms, for a total of nine hundred sixty-nine (969) rooms; and other permitted uses as set forth herein, including but not limited to, all on-site and off-site improvements.
      .0906   “Public Right-of-Way.” Any area of real property dedicated to or owned by the City of Anaheim, or upon which the City of Anaheim holds any easement, for public street, alley, sidewalk, landscape, utility or pedestrian purposes; and accepted by resolution of the City Council.
   .100   “R” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .1001   “Restaurant, Enclosed.” Any establishment which is engaged primarily in the business of preparing and serving meals, provided that the activity of preparing and serving meals shall be conducted entirely within a building. The food preparation area for such a restaurant shall be an area permanently designed for food preparation, and shall constitute not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area. Such establishments may provide take-out service only as a limited, ancillary function.
      .1002   “Restaurant, Outdoor Dining.” Any establishment which is engaged primarily in the business of preparing and serving meals, provided that the activity of preparing and serving meals shall be conducted mainly within a building. The food preparation area of a restaurant shall be an area permanently designed for food preparation and shall constitute not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area.
      .1003   “Restaurant, Theme Style.” Any establishment which is architecturally and/or functionally themed, and is engaged in the business of preparing and serving full meals, provided that such activities shall be conducted entirely within a building. The food preparation area for such a restaurant shall be an area permanently designed for food preparation.
      .1004   “Restaurant, Walk-Up.” Any establishment which is engaged in the business of preparing and serving food on a self-service basis, where service to the consumer is by means of a window or opening to the outside of the building, and the food may be consumed either inside or outside the building.
      .1005   “Room.” A hotel “Room” with a keyed entry, which may be a guest room or suite, as defined in this section.
   .110   “S” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .1101   “Site Plan.” A plan showing the details of building locations, structures, parking facilities, signs, vehicular access, preliminary landscaping and architectural design for a project or building site.
      .1102   “Specific Plan Area.” The words "Specific Plan Area" shall mean the Hotel Circle Specific Plan Area, including all facilities and improvements therein.
      .1103   “Suite.” Hotel guest accommodations which provide a living room area separate from the bedroom(s) and bath(s) area. Typical living room areas include a game table, sofa, television, refrigerator, microwave oven and small stove as part of “Suite” amenities. Typical bedroom areas include one (1) or two (2) bedroom(s) with bath(s), and a television, closet, phone and dresser. A hotel guest “Suite” shall be considered as one room for the purpose of total room count permitted in the Specific Plan Area, even if it includes more than one room.
   .120   “T” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .1201   “Temporary Use.” A “Temporary Use” is a use which is allowed only for a specific period of time, either as an interim use of a site prior to its conversion to a primary, accessory or conditional use, or as a use necessary to implement the conversion of a site to a permanent use. A “Temporary Use” is subject to the regulations described in this chapter.
      .1202   “Turf Block.” Any one of several paving products made of concrete or plastic, which permit turf or other low-growing plant materials to grow through the paving so that the paving is not easily seen. “Turf Block” paving is intended for occasional vehicle traffic, such as when required for emergency vehicle access through landscaped areas.
   .130   “U” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .1301   “Ultimate Planned Right-of-Way.” The right-of-way designated in the Circulation Element of the Anaheim General Plan. Required setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate planned right-of-way shown on the General Plan, including, where applicable to the property, any supplemental lanes in conformance with Standard Detail No. 164-A (Supplemental Lanes Intersection Layout), as it may be revised from time to time.
(Ord. 5944 35; September 28, 2004.)
   .140   "V" Words Terms and Phrases
      .1401   "Vacation Ownership Resort." A timeshare facility in which a person or entity receives the right in perpetuity, for life or for a specific period of time, to the recurrent, exclusive use or occupancy of a lot, parcel, unit, space, or portion of real property for a period of time, which has been or will be allocated from the use or occupancy periods into which the facility has been divided. A "Vacation Ownership Resort" interest may be coupled with an estate in real property, or it may entail a license, contract, membership, or other right of occupancy not coupled with an estate in real property.
      .1402   "Valet Parking." A parking service provided to accommodate users of an establishment, which service is incidental to the establishment and by which an attendant on behalf of the establishment takes temporary custody of the users' vehicles and moves, parks, stores or retrieves the vehicle.
   .150   “W” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .1501   “Wall.” (1) The vertical exterior surface of a building; (2) vertical interior surfaces which divide a building into rooms; (3) an artificially constructed barrier, constructed predominately of masonry and other materials, such as metal or wood, and which is intended to enclose or screen areas of land. As defined herein, “Masonry” shall include, but not be limited to: concrete “Masonry” units (such as precision concrete block, slump block or other similar products), brick, concrete (either pre-cast or cast-in-place) and stucco.
   .160   “Z” Words Terms and Phrases.
      .1601   “Zero Setback.” No building setback provided for structures adjacent to interior property lines, provided no easements are required for underground utilities.
      .1602   “Zoning Ordinance.” The City of Anaheim “Zoning Ordinance” for the Commercial-Recreation Area, which was adopted by City Council on August 14, 1990. Said ordinance incorporates specific provisions encouraging the assemblage of contiguous parcels of land for master planning, and allows for the reclassification of property in the C-R Area to the Specific Plan Zone, with a separate set of development standards. (Ord. 5444 § 1 (part); August 16, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6245 § 109; June 5, 2012: Ord. 6286 § 63; September 3, 2013: Ord. 6432 § 45; April 10, 2018.)