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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   Military Discount
   All active and non-active military receive a $2 discount on adult tickets and a $1 discount on children's tickets. Individuals must present a military ID. The discount shall be good for general admission only.
   Special Rates
   The Cultural Services Department may provide discounts or special rates for certain periods of time or to groups including, but not limited to, school groups, recreation groups, children, and New Mexico BioPark Society members. In addition, the Cultural Services Department may provide for reduced admission to members of other institutions which have reciprocal agreements with the BioPark.
   10-3-1-1   Short title
   10-3-1-2   Definitions
   10-3-1-3   Submission of plans and specifications; work to be inspected; notification
   10-3-1-4   Availability of regulations
   10-3-2-1   Requirements to be observed
   10-3-2-2   Construction
   10-3-2-3   Barrier
   10-3-2-4   Bathhouse
   10-3-2-5   Color
   10-3-2-6   Coving
   10-3-2-7   Depth markings
   10-3-2-8   Diving area
   10-3-2-9   Diving boards, platforms, blocks and slides
   10-3-2-10   Fill spout
   10-3-2-11   Circulation and filtration
   10-3-2-12   Indoor pool ventilation
   10-3-2-13   Inlets
   10-3-2-14   Lighting and electrical fixtures
   10-3-2-15   Main drains
   10-3-2-16   Overflow systems and skimmers
   10-3-2-17   Plumbing
   10-3-2-18   Plumbing drains
   10-3-2-19   Runways
   10-3-2-20   Safety precautions
   10-3-3-1   Pools to meet requirements
   10-3-3-2   Bather load
   10-3-3-3   Clarity
   10-3-3-4   Cleanliness
   10-3-3-5   Water quality testing
   10-3-3-6   Operating and accident records
   10-3-3-7   Indoor facilities
   10-3-3-8   Instruction
   10-3-3-9   Prevention of disease
   10-3-3-10   Safety precautions
   10-3-3-11   Suits and towels
   10-3-3-12   Toxic materials
   10-3-3-13   Water supply
   10-3-3-14   Water quality
   10-3-4-1   Enforcement and application
   10-3-4-2   Right of entry
   10-3-4-3   Failure to admit
   10-3-4-4   Variances
   10-3-4-5   Permit required
   10-3-4-6   Inspection fees
   10-3-4-7   Transfer fee
   10-3-4-8   Permission to operate
   10-3-5-1   Temporary suspension of permits
   10-3-5-2   Service of notice
   10-3-5-3   Reinstatement of suspended permits
   10-3-5-4   Revocation of permit
   10-3-5-5   Hearings
   10-3-5-6   Judicial review
   10-3-5-7   Injunctive relief
   10-3-5-8   Issuance of citation
   10-3-5-9   Inspection frequency
   10-3-5-99   Penalty
   Appendix:   Requirements and Recommendations Tables
§ 10-3-1-1 SHORT TITLE.
   This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Albuquerque Swimming Pool Ordinance."
('74 Code, § 11-5-1) (Ord. 12-1978; Am. Ord. 12-1993)
§ 10-3-1-2 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BARRIER. A wall, building, fence or any combination of these which control access to the pool proper. This barrier shall be of such construction as to provide protection for the safety of the public.
   CLASS A SWIMMING POOL. A public swimming pool, admission to which may be gained by the general public, with or without the payment of a fee, such as a public school, municipal or commercial pool.
   CLASS B SWIMMING POOL. A public swimming pool on the premises of or part of a business, such as a motel, hotel, trailer court, apartment house, condominium, community association, health or fitness facility, recreation camp, country club, private school, or similar establishment which is to be used only by individuals authorized by the owner or operator but not by the general public.
   CLASS C SWIMMING POOL. A shallow public swimming pool intended primarily for special uses rather than general swimming, including but not limited to the wading of small children.
   CLASS D SWIMMING POOL. A public pool which provides air-enriched water or direct water under pressure onto the body and which by design and function is intended to provide the benefits of hydromassage, water therapy or medical treatment.
   COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. Any group of persons, individuals, homeowners, or a firm, partnership, corporation, company, society or association, which provides or operates swimming facilities for their own use and/or for the limited use of the public.
   CONTACT PERSON. A person or persons at least 18 years old designated by the pool owner or management personnel to be available at all times during public swimming pool operating hours as required in this chapter.
   DECK LEVEL DIVING BOARD INSTALLATION. A diving structure or device rising no more than 18 inches above the normal water level.
   ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY. The Mayor or his designated representative.
   GROUNDS. The area within the exterior boundaries of real property which includes a public swimming pool as defined in this section.
   LIFEGUARD SERVICE. The attendance, at all times that persons are allowed to be in the swimming pool area, of one or more lifeguards who hold a current American Red Cross Advanced Lifeguard Training Certificate or YMCA Senior Lifesaving Certificate or equivalent certification, as determined by the enforcement authority, and who have no duties to perform other than to superintend the safety of those using the swimming pool area during the time the pool is open.
   NONCONFORMING SAMPLE. The presence of organisms of the coliform group or other organisms in amounts which may be harmful to public health as indicated in a bacteriological test required by the enforcement authority and conducted by a certified laboratory.
   NONPUBLIC POOL. A swimming pool owned by a private individual for use of family members and/or non-paying guests, or a swimming pool owned by a business employing fewer than ten persons if the pool is for the use of employees only. This article shall not apply to nonpublic pools.
   PERSON. Any person, individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, society, association, and every officer, agent or employee thereof.
   PERSON IN CHARGE. The individual present at a public swimming pool, who at the time of inspection by the enforcement authority is the apparent supervisor on the behalf of the owner or operator of the public swimming pool. In the absence of an apparent supervisor, any employee on the premises shall be deemed the person in charge.
   PREMISES. The area within the barrier and any adjacent support facilities (i.e., bathhouses, club house, or shower room) and shall also include the office of operational or management personnel.
   PUBLIC. The general populace regardless of age or place of temporary or permanent residence.
   PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. One or more abutting structures, basins, chambers, or tanks of the same class pool provided with a controlled potable water supply, water circulation, filtration, and sanitization equipment and which is intended to be used collectively by numbers of persons for one of the following purposes: swimming, diving, recreational play, therapy, medical treatment or hydro-massage and includes all structures, appurtenances, equipment, appliances and all other facilities appurtenant to and intended for the operation and maintenance of each separate, distinct swimming pool and is operated by a person be he owner, lessee, operator, licensee or concessionaire regardless of whether a fee is charged for such use. Public swimming pool shall include Class A, B, C, and D pools and shall apply to any structures designed to contain water and which may reasonably be construed to be used by persons for body immersion to a significant degree or other water treatment where all water is not removed after each use, and which the enforcement authority determines represents a public health concern. Public swimming pool shall hereafter also be known as swimming pool or pool. Pools of different classes shall be treated as separate swimming pools which require separate permits, even if circulation and/or filtration equipment is shared. Class D swimming pools consisting of multiple interconnected chambers may be considered as one swimming pool provided all circulation and filtration equipment is shared so as to create identical water conditions in each chamber.
   SEASONAL POOL. A swimming pool which is not operated on a year-round basis.
('74 Code, § 11-5-2) (Ord. 12-1978; Am. Ord. 51-1989; Am. Ord. 12-1993; Am. Ord. 59-1995)
   (A)   No person shall begin construction of a swimming pool or shall alter the design, modify plumbing, replace filtration or circulation equipment or reconstruct any swimming pool without first having submitted plans and specifications to the Enforcement Authority for review and approval. The application to the Enforcement Authority for a permit to construct, alter design or reconstruct shall be submitted on the forms required by the Enforcement Authority, and shall be supported by all information, data, plans, specifications and pertinent explanatory data required by the Enforcement Authority to demonstrate compliance with the standards established by this article and other applicable ordinances. The swimming pool shall be built in accordance with the plans and specifications as approved by the Enforcement Authority unless approval of each change has been given in writing by the Enforcement Authority. Any part of the swimming pool system lawfully installed prior to the effective date of this article may have its existing use, maintenance or repair continued, if the Enforcement Authority determines the use, maintenance or repair is in accordance with the original design and location and no hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare is created by such system. All swimming pool installations, design, alterations, significant changes in operational procedures or reconstruction thereto including equipment, piping, and appliances relating thereto shall be inspected or otherwise approved prior to the use of the swimming pool. It shall be the duty of the owner or the owner's agent to notify the Enforcement Authority that the swimming pool is ready for inspection. Such notification of requested inspection shall be given not less than 24 hours before the next business day for the Enforcement Authority.
   (B)   Approval of plans or acceptance of specifications shall not prevent the Enforcement Authority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans or specifications or from requiring the halting of construction operations being carried on thereunder, when in violation of this article or any other ordinance, nor prevent the Enforcement Authority from revoking any approval issued in error.
('74 Code, § 11-5-3) (Ord. 12-1978; Am. Ord. 12-1993)
   A copy of the Swimming Pool Ordinance [i.e., Chapter 10, Article 3 of this code] is on file in the office of the City Clerk and is available for inspection by the public during regular business hours. A copy of this ordinance shall be available to any individual upon request and the payment of a reasonable charge as set by the Chief Administrative Officer, to be not more than the actual cost per copy.
('74 Code, § 11-5-8) (Ord. 12-1993)
   The Enforcement Authority shall not issue a permit to operate or approve the construction of any swimming pool or any alteration, addition, remodeling or any other improvement to a swimming pool unless the following design, construction, operation and maintenance requirements are observed. Any person owning or operating a public swimming pool shall design, construct, equip, operate and maintain the pool to ensure safe, clean and sanitary conditions both of the pool and of the premises and shall ensure that the following requirements are met.
('74 Code, § 11-5-7 (part)) (Ord. 12-1978; Am. Ord. 59-1987; Am. Ord. 51-1989; Am. Ord. 12-1993)