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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
§ 10-1-3-2 INTENT.
   It is the intent of the city to provide a mechanism for resident participation in the design of selected projects in order to mitigate community concerns.
(Ord. 42-2003)
   Upon the request of the Mayor or a City Councilor, (the Mayor) shall appoint a project technical committee for a project that involves the construction of a new park or the complete or partial renovation of an existing park. The committee is authorized to consult on the design and planning of the park and review all plans and/or drawings that are otherwise accepted by the city. The committee shall be chaired by the project manager selected by the city for the planning and/or design of the facility, and shall consist of, at a minimum, a staff person from the Park Management Division (or its successor) and at least one resident who resides within one-half mile of the project. The Mayor may appoint other persons to the committee they deem appropriate. If a project is located on a site that adjoins or is within the boundaries of recognized neighborhood associations, the Mayor is encouraged to consult with the association regarding the choice of the committee's resident member.
(Ord. 42-2003)
   10-2-1-1   Statement of intent
   10-2-1-2   Mayor's duties
   10-2-1-3   Contract
   10-2-1-4   Cancellation of the contract
   10-2-2-1   Purpose
   10-2-2-2   Albuquerque Biological Park Advisory Board
   10-2-2-3   Powers and duties
   10-2-2-4   [Reserved]
   10-2-2-5   General Provisions
   10-2-3-1   Authority
   10-2-3-2   Definition
   10-2-3-3   Reports
   10-2-4-1   Definitions
   10-2-4-2   Admission fees and passes
   10-2-4-3   [Reserved]
   10-2-4-4   Military discounts and special rates
   (A)   The City Council declares its intention of maintaining and improving the municipal zoo at its present location, commonly known as Rio Grande Park, in Albuquerque. The City Council recognizes that many people in the community have a special interest in the preservation of and enlargement of the municipal zoo and that some of them have together formed a corporation called "The Zoological Society (Foundation) and Botanical Gardens of Albuquerque, Inc." Membership in this organization is open to everyone and special classifications have been prepared so that membership may be extended, particularly to children and students and that they may be encouraged to develop an interest and understanding of the purposes of the Society.
   (B)   The Council further finds that the objects and purposes for which the Society is formed are:
      (1)   To engage in the promotion, encouragement, fostering and cultivation of zoological gardens and museums of natural history in Albuquerque, and the support of a program collecting, exhibiting and maintaining live animals, fowl, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and other species of wildlife in appropriate surroundings and environment inducive to family recreation and education, to stimulate scientific study and research; and to operate exclusively for charitable, scientific or educational purposes.
      (2)   To solicit, collect, receive, acquire, hold and invest money and property, both real and personal, received by gift, contribution, bequest, devise or otherwise; to sell and convert property, both real and personal, into cash; and to use the funds of this corporation for any of the purposes for which this corporation is formed.
   (C)   The Council further finds that these purposes of the Zoological Society are consistent and harmonious with the program for development of the Albuquerque Zoo and that the public will be served by coordinating and advancing these common purposes together.
('74 Code, § 11-7-1) (Ord. 80-1968)
§ 10-2-1-2 MAYOR'S DUTIES.
   The Mayor is directed to utilize the services of the Society consistent with the municipal purposes of the Zoo and to cooperate with the Society in all lawful ways to achieve the maximum benefits of such association.
('74 Code, § 11-7-2) (Ord. 80-1968; Am. Ord. 36-1969)
§ 10-2-1-3 CONTRACT.
   The Mayor is authorized to enter into a contract with the Society, defining the respective responsibilities and privileges in order to make the efforts of both the Society and the City effective, and to provide for the protection of property where necessary by insurance, the promotion of education, exchange of exhibits and other activities thereto appertaining. Property of the Society and of the city shall remain as such unless exchanged or disposed of according to law.
('74 Code, § 11-7-3) (Ord. 80-1968)