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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
2-6(B)(1)   Purpose
The purpose of the PC zone district is to accommodate innovative, very large-scale residential or mixed-use communities that cannot be accommodated through the use of other zone districts, provided that those projects are consistent with the ABC Comp Plan, as amended, and include significant public benefits that would not otherwise be required of the applicant. Because of their size, projects in this zone district will include construction of new and expanded transportation networks and infrastructure. This growth may require additional analysis and resulting measures to mitigate impact on the surrounding community. This zone district is applied on a case-by-case basis to reflect a new or existing negotiated agreement with the applicant. Allowable uses are negotiated on a case-by-case basis but may not include any use that is not included in Table 4-2-1.
2-6(B)(2)   Dimensional and Other Standards
Table 2-6-2: Other Applicable IDO Sections
Table 2-6-2: Other Applicable IDO Sections
Overlay Zones
Allowable Uses
As negotiated from among those listed in Section 14-16-4-2
Use-specific Standards
Section 14-16-4-3 unless varied in the PC approval process
Dimensional Standards Tables and Exceptions
As applicable to the most similar use or district as shown in Section 14-16-5-1, unless different standards are approved in the PC approval process
Site Design and Sensitive Lands
Section 14-16-5-2 unless varied in the PC approval process
Access and Connectivity
Section 14-16-5-3 unless varied in the PC approval process
Subdivision of Land
Section 14-16-5-4 unless varied in the PC approval process
Parking and Loading
Section 14-16-5-5 unless varied in the PC approval process
Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening
Section 14-16-5-6 unless varied in the PC approval process
Walls and Fences
Section 14-16-5-7 unless varied in the PC approval process
Outdoor and Site Lighting
Section 14-16-5-8 unless varied in the PC approval process
Neighborhood Edges
Section 14-16-5-9 unless varied in the PC approval process
Solar Access
Section 14-16-5-10 unless varied in the PC approval process
Building Design
Section 14-16-5-11 unless varied in the PC approval process
Section 14-16-5-12 unless varied in the PC approval process
Operation and Maintenance
Section 14-16-5-13 unless varied in the PC approval process
2-6(B)(3)   Eligibility for Rezoning to PC
2-6(B)(3)(a)   Each PC zone district must contain at least 100 contiguous acres of land or more than 500 single-family, two-family, or townhouse dwelling units. Each proposed development meeting or exceeding these thresholds, considering all proposed phases of development, shall be required to obtain approval through the PC zone district process in Subsection 14-16-6-7(H)(1) (Zoning Map Amendment - Council).
2-6(B)(3)(b)   Rezoning to a PC zone district requires the preparation of a Framework Plan that furthers and implements applicable goals and policies of the ABC Comp Plan and complies with all applicable requirements of the DPM.
   1.   The Framework Plan shall indicate proposed zoning on platted lots or lots proposed to be platted or general proposed land uses and development densities/intensities for subsequent phases where platting is yet to be decided.
   2.   The Framework Plan shall indicate general circulation and mobility routes for various travel modes and general locations of open space.
   3.   The Framework Plan shall be submitted, reviewed, and decided at the same time and via the same process as the rezoning to the PC zone district, as described in Subsection 14-16-6-7(H)(1) (Zoning Map Amendment - Council). All later permits and approvals for the property under this IDO shall be consistent with the approved Framework Plan, as amended.
2-6(B)(3)(c)   The City Council may require a Development Agreement to outline the phasing of development, to assign financial, operations, and management responsibilities over time via infrastructure/service agreements, to identify any public incentives or agreements between the City and the applicant/developer, and to address any other items deemed appropriate to ensure an efficient, self-sufficient community and to prevent net expense to the City.
2-6(B)(4)   Allowable Uses
2-6(B)(4)(a)   A PC zone may contain any of the uses listed in Table 4-2-1, except those that require NR-SU zoning, for all or part of the PC zone district, provided that those uses do not create significant adverse impacts on nearby existing neighborhoods, City parks or trails, or Major Public Open Space.
2-6(B)(4)(b)   All allowable uses in the PC zone district are subject to the applicable Use-specific Standards listed for that use in Section 14-16-4-3 unless modified by the Framework Plan associated with the PC zone district approval.
2-6(B)(5)   Development and Form Standards
2-6(B)(5)(a)   General
   1.   All development in the PC zone district is subject to the provisions of Part 14-16-5 (Development Standards) for the type of use or structures in the approved Planned Community, unless those standards are modified by the Framework Plan associated with the PC zone district approval.
   2.   Subsection 14-16-1-10(A)(2) (Pre-IDO Approvals) applies to all properties that converted from a Special Use zone to the PC zone district through the adoption of this IDO.
2-6(B)(5)(b)   Avoidance of Sensitive Lands
   1.   Each Planned Community shall be organized to protect or enhance the following types of natural resources and features, by including such areas in common landscaped areas or dedicated open space or by mitigating the impacts of construction on these features to the maximum extent feasible.
      a.   Drainage channels, arroyos, and streams (in addition to floodplains).
      b.   Historic or archeological sites designated as significant by the State.
      c.   Significant views of the Sandia Mountains or Petroglyph National Monument from high points or public places.
      d.   Riparian wildlife habitat areas and corridors designated as significant by the State.
      e.   Natural or geologic hazard areas or soil conditions, such as unstable or potentially unstable slopes, faulting, landslides, rock falls, or expansive soils.
   2.   Lands that show evidence of slope instability, landslides, avalanche, flooding, or other natural or manmade hazards shall not be included in platted lots.
   3.   New structures intended for human occupancy are prohibited within 100 feet in any direction of any perennial stream, public lake, reservoir, or element of a public water supply system unless the City Engineer determines that a smaller setback would adequately protect water quality and wildlife habitat.
   4.   Natural features to be protected shall be identified in a site analysis as part of a Framework Plan or with any Site Plan or plat when a Framework Plan is not required.
2-6(B)(5)(c)   Adequate Water Supply
An application for a Planned Community shall not be processed unless accompanied by written documentation from the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) that adequate water is available to serve the development, based on known water supplies owned or controlled by the ABCWUA or the applicant, without creating adverse impacts on the cost, quality, or availability of water for existing residents of the city and the area served by the ABCWUA.
2-6(B)(5)(d)   Mix of Uses and Housing Types
   1.   Each phase of a Planned Community shall include at least 10 percent of the land area for non-residential uses.
   2.   No phase of a Planned Community may develop more than 80 percent of the land area designated for residential or mixed-use development as single-family detached dwellings.
   3.   Parks shall be provided at a rate of 2 acres of park land for every 500 dwelling units designated NR-PO-C, which requires parks to be built to City standards and designed as acceptable to Parks and Recreation Department, or NR-PO-A and dedicated to the City.
   4.   Major Public Open Space, open space, and trails shall be provided consistent with the Rank 2 Major Public Open Space Facility Plan, the Rank 2 Facility Plan for Arroyos, and the Rank 2 Bikeways and Trails Facility Plan. Any Major Public Open Space dedications must be acceptable to and are subject to approval by the Open Space Division of the City Parks and Recreation Department.
   5.   Any treatment for a major arroyo shall be designed per the standards in the Rank 2 Facility Plan for Arroyos.
2-6(B)(5)(e)   Creation of Distinct Neighborhoods
No area of the Planned Community in which more than 70 percent of the lots are occupied by a Household Living use as shown in Table 4-2-1 shall contain more than 100 contiguous acres unless it is separated from other adjacent residential development areas by a significant natural or man-made feature, including any of the following:
   1.   Clearly visible bluffs, rock outcroppings, or landforms designated as open space.
   2.   Major drainages, arroyos, or designated open spaces at least 100 feet in width.
   3.   An arterial street.
   4.   A collector street with a median at least 14 feet in width.
   5.   Non-residential uses allowed per Table 4-2-1.
2-6(B)(6)   Provisions for Specific Areas
Provisions and regulations applicable to each approved PC zone district are specified in Framework Plans and associated Site Plans, on file at the City Planning Department.
2-6(B)(7)   Development on Properties with PC Zoning and Framework Plans
Once a Framework Plan has been approved, development can be approved through a Site Plan pursuant to the applicability, procedures, and criteria in Subsection 14-16-6-5(G) (Site Plan - Administrative) or 14-16-6-6(J) (Site Plan - EPC), as applicable.
2-6(B)(8)   Deviations, Variances, and Waivers from Framework Plan Standards
2-6(B)(8)(a)   Deviations from Framework Plan standards may be granted pursuant to the same thresholds and procedures as established by IDO Subsection 14-16-6-4(O).
2-6(B)(8)(b)   Variances from Framework Plan standards may be granted pursuant to the same thresholds and procedures as established by Table 6-1-1, IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(N), and IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(O).
2-6(B)(8)(c)   Waivers from Framework Plan standards may be granted pursuant to the same thresholds and procedures as established by Table 6-1-1 and IDO Subsection 14-16-6-6(P).