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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
2-5(F)(1)   Purpose
The purpose of the NR-PO zone district is to protect the natural character of designated private and public parks and open space for public recreation, use, and enjoyment. Primary uses are open space and related recreation facilities, picnic and other shelters, and service/maintenance facilities.
2-5(F)(2)   Use and Development Standards
Dimensional standards in NR-PO sub-zones shall be determined in the approval of a Master Plan, Resource Management Plan, standards specified by the implementing Department, or standards specified in an approved Site Plan. Where the Master Plan, Resource Management Plan, or Site Plan is silent, standards in the following Subsections apply.
Table 2-5-10: Other Applicable IDO Sections[1]
Table 2-5-10: Other Applicable IDO Sections[1]
Allowable Uses
Use-specific Standards
Dimensional Standards
Site Design and Sensitive Lands
Access and Connectivity
Subdivision of Land
Parking and Loading
Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening
Walls and Fences
Outdoor and Site Lighting
Neighborhood Edges
Solar Access
Building Design
Operation and Maintenance
[1] Some standards may not apply to NR-PO zone districts if exempted by other provisions of this IDO or as otherwise approved by the City Parks and Recreation Department.
2-5(F)(3)   District Standards
The NR-PO zone district includes the following 4 sub-zones, each of which has allowable uses and development standards specified in this IDO or a special approval as noted below.
2-5(F)(3)(a)   Sub-zone A: City-owned or Managed Parks
   1.   Allowable uses other than those specified in Table 4-2-1 shall be reviewed and decided pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J) (Site Plan - EPC).
   2.   Development standards specified in a Master Plan approved or amended by the City Parks and Recreation Department for each facility prevail over IDO standards and may be reflected in Site Plans approved pursuant to this IDO.
2-5(F)(3)(b)   Sub-zone B: Maor Public Open Space
   1.   Uses and development standards specified in a Resource Management Plan or Master Plan approved or amended by the Open Space Division of the City Parks and Recreation Department for each facility or in the Rank 2 Major Public Open Space Facility Plan prevail over IDO standards and may be reflected in Site Plans approved pursuant to this IDO.
   2.   For facilities without a Resource Management Plan or Master Plan, allowable uses other than those specified in Table 4-2-1 or the Major Public Open Space Facility Plan may be approved pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J) (Site Plan - EPC).
   3.   Any facility that is not an Extraordinary Facility pursuant to the Rank 2 Major Public Open Space Facility Plan or renovations of a facility previously approved as an Extraordinary Facility shall be reviewed and decided pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-5(G)(1)(f)13 (Site Plan - Administrative).
   4.   Otherwise, any Extraordinary Facility shall be reviewed and decided pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-6(J) (Site Plan - EPC).
2-5(F)(3)(c)   Sub-zone C: Non-City Parks and Open Space
Development standards may be specified in an approved Site Plan but may not conflict with or reduce other standards in this IDO, including those of an Overlay zone that applies to the site.
2-5(F)(3)(d)   Sub-zone D: City BioPark
Uses and development standards specified in the BioPark Master Plan as approved or amended by the City Cultural Services Department apply.