The purpose of the MX-FB zone district is to allow a wide range of residential, commercial, and institutional uses subject to form-based zoning controls to ensure that the buildings they occupy establish or reinforce a well-defined urban character. Sub-zones within this zone district contain form-based controls tailored to the distinct character of each area where the district is applied. Allowable and prohibited uses are specified for each sub-zone in Subsection 14-16-2-4(E)(3)(c).

Form-based controls in this Subsection 14-16-2-4(E) prevail over other IDO standards. Where this Subsection does not specify a different standard, applicable IDO standards in other Sections apply.
Overlay Zones | |
Allowable Uses[1] | |
Use-specific Standards | |
Dimensional Standards | |
Site Design and Sensitive Lands | |
Access and Connectivity | |
Subdivision of Land | |
Parking and Loading | |
Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening | |
Walls and Fences | |
Outdoor and Site Lighting | |
Neighborhood Edges | |
Solar Access | |
Building Design | |
Signs | |
Operation and Maintenance | |
[1] Allowable Uses only apply in the FB-MX-ID sub-zone. | |
A Site Plan - EPC that specifies site and development standards shall be reviewed and decided by the EPC in conjunction with review and decision of a zone change request pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-7(G) (Zoning Map Amendment - EPC) or Subsection 14-16-6-7(H) (Zoning Map Amendment - Council).
The MX-FB zone district includes the following 4 sub-zones, each of which has uses and development standards specified in this Subsection 14-16-2-4(E)(3).
1. Form-based Infill Development (MX-FB-ID)
The purpose of the MX-FB-ID sub-zone is to encourage context-sensitive development on sites in developed areas along streets designated as collectors or arterials. The MX-FB-ID sub-zone provides opportunities to introduce neighborhood-scale uses to serve nearby residents.
2. Form-based Flexible Development (MX-FB-FX)
The purpose of the MX-FB-FX sub-zone is to support pedestrian-scale mixed-use development that is integral to an area designated as an Area of Change in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended.
3. Form-based Activity Center (MX-FB-AC)
The purpose of the MX-FB-AC sub-zone is to provide community-scale non-residential and high-density residential development in areas designated as Activity Centers in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. Buildings are generally smaller than in the MX-FB-UD sub-zone.
4. Form-based Urban Development (MX-FB-UD)
The purpose of the MX-FB-UD sub-zone is to allow a mix of high-density residential and high-intensity non-residential development in areas designated as Downtown or Urban Center in the ABC Comp Plan, as amended. The MX-FB-UD sub-zone is intended to create a compact, pedestrian-oriented urban form with uses that are served by and support transit.
2. All allowable uses shall be conducted within a fully enclosed portion of a building, with the following exceptions:
a. Any use in the Telecommunications, Towers, and Utilities category in Table 4-2-1.
b. Community garden.
c. Farmers' market.
d. Garden.
e. Mobile vending cart.
f. Mobile food truck.
g. Mobile food truck court.
h. Outdoor dining area.
3. All allowable uses must follow any other applicable Use-specific Standards in Section 14-16-4-3.
Allowable Uses | Per MX-T allowable uses in Table 4-2-1, unless listed as prohibited | All uses unless listed as prohibited | ||
Prohibited Uses | Any use that requires NR-SU zoning | |||
Adult Entertainment | ||||
Adult Retail | ||||
Paid Parking Lot | ||||
Heavy Manufacturing | ||||
Special Manufacturing | ||||
Drive-through or drive-up facility | ||||
Sub-zone | MX-FB-ID | MX-FB-FX | MX-FB-AC | MX-FB-UD |
Site Standards | ||||
Usable open space, minimum[1][2] | 15% | 10% | 5% | |
UC-MS-PT: 50% reduction | ||||
Setback Standards | ||||
Front, minimum | 0 ft. | |||
Front, maximum | 15 ft. | 10 ft. | 15 ft. | 10 ft. |
60% of front property line width must be occupied by the primary building constructed within the required front setback area. On a corner lot, the required 60% must begin at the corner. | ||||
Side, minimum | 0 ft. | |||
Side, maximum | Interior: N/A Street side of corner lots: 15 ft. | Interior: N/A Street side of corner lots: 10 ft. | ||
Rear, minimum | 15 ft. | 10 ft. | 5 ft. | 0 ft. |
0 feet where rear lot line abuts a street or alley. | ||||
Building Height | ||||
Building height, minimum | N/A | 30 ft. | ||
Ground floor height, minimum | 8 ft., urban residential building frontage 10 ft., all other building frontage types | |||
Building height, maximum | <20 ft. from front property line: 35 ft. | <20 ft. from front property line: 45 ft. | ||
≥20 ft. from front lot line: 55 ft. | ≥20 ft. from front lot line: 65 ft. | ≥20 ft. from front lot line: 75 ft. | ≥20 ft. from front lot line: N/A | |
UC-MS-PT: 12 ft. Structured Parking Bonus[3] | ||||
UC-MS-PT: 12 ft. Workforce Housing Bonus[3] | ||||
[1] For the MX-FB zone district only, usable open space is measured as a percentage of gross floor area of multi-family dwelling units. [2] Usable open space is not required for properties located within 1,500 feet in any direction of any NR-PO-A or NR-PO-B sub-zone. [3] This bonus does not apply within 20 ft. of the front lot line. | ||||
1. Building Frontage Types
a. Each ground floor street-facing façade shall have at least 1 primary building frontage type pursuant to Table 2-4-12.
b. All building frontage types may be combined.
c. Forecourts, arcades, and walled courts are frontage types allowed in all sub-zones but only as accessory to a storefront, urban residential, or warehouse building frontage.?

2. Porches and Stoops
a. A stoop shall be a minimum of 5 feet deep.
b. A porch shall be a minimum of 5 feet deep and 8 feet wide.
c. Ramps may be used in place of steps.
3. Arcades
Arcades shall be a minimum of 8 feet wide and a minimum of 8 feet deep.
All buildings in an MX-FB sub-zone must meet all of the relevant provisions in this Subsection 14-16-2-4(E)(3)(f). These provisions are illustrated in the figure below.

1. Façade Articulation
a. MX-FB-FX, MX-FB-AC, and MX-FB-UD Sub-zones
i. Each ground floor street-facing façade shall incorporate variations in height, setback, or material at least every 20 to 50 feet of façade length.
ii. Each second floor and higher street-facing façade shall incorporate variations in height, setback, or material at least every 50 to 100 feet of façade length.
b. MX-ID Sub-zone
i. Each street-facing façade shall incorporate variations in height, setback, or material at least every 20 to 50 feet of façade length.
2. Shading
a. Shading on street-facing façades is required in all MX-FB sub-zones, except where an urban residential building frontage type is used.
b. Shading elements may be portales, awnings, canopies, or overhangs and may project to within 2 feet of the curb with a minimum 8 foot vertical clearance.
c. In the MX-FB-ID, MX-FB-FX, and MX-FB-AC sub-zones, the minimum shading requirement shall be 75 percent of the building width.
d. In the MX-FB-UD sub-zone, the minimum shading requirement shall be 50 percent of the building width.
3. Windows and Doors
a. Ground Floor
i. For storefront building frontage types, any street-facing façade shall contain a minimum of 60 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/or doors with the lower edge of window sills no higher than 30 inches above the finished floor.
ii. For porch, stoop, and urban residential building frontage types, any street-facing façade shall contain a minimum of 25 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/or doors.
iii. For warehouse building frontage types, any street-facing façade shall contain a minimum of 40 percent of its surfaces in transparent windows and/ or doors with the lower edge of window sills no higher than 30 inches above the finished floor.
iv. All buildings shall have at least 1 pedestrian entrance from a street-facing façade. This may be access to a lobby or walled court shared by individual tenants.
v. Building entrances shall be recessed or extend a minimum of 1 foot from the front façade, except where a walled court building frontage type is used.
vi. For buildings in which over 50 percent of the gross floor area of the ground floor is vacant, a Permit - Temporary Window Wrap may be granted pursuant to Subsection 14-16-6-5(E) for window wraps that meet the requirements of Subsection 14-16-5-11(E)(2)(b)2.c to temporarily obscure transparent windows and/or doors with opaque window wrap.
b. Upper Floors
Each second floor and higher façade facing a public street or alley shall contain a minimum of 20 percent of its surface in transparent windows and/or doors.
4. Side and Rear Façades
Each side or rear façade of a primary building adjacent to a Residential or Mixed-use zone district shall have a similar level of façade articulation, materials, and detailing as required in Subsections 1 through 3 above.
1. Minimum Parking Requirements
The minimum off-street and bicycle parking requirements and parking types for the MX-FB sub-zones are specified 21 in Table 2-4-13, except where off-street parking requirements are modified by Subsection 14-16-5-5(B)(2) (Exemptions and Reductions).
2. Parking Lot Location and Design
a. Parking lots may have 1 or multiple drive aisles.
b. Parking lots shall be located behind or to the side of any primary building on the site.
c. Parking lots with multiple drive aisles must be set back at least 10 feet from any property line abutting a street.
d. There is no required setback for parking lots with a single drive aisle.
3. Parking Lot Edges
a. Parking lots shall have a wall at least 3 feet and no more than 4 feet high parallel to the street.
b. For parking lots with 2 or more drive aisles, all of the following shall be incorporated into the setback area required by Subsection 2.c above.
i. The area must be landscaped pursuant to Subsection 14-16-5-6(F)(1)(i)2 (Side and Rear Lot Edges).
ii. The required wall must be set back at least 10 feet from any property line abutting a street.
iii. At least 1 bench shall be provided for every 300 square feet of parking lot setback area and shall be located near a required tree and between the required street wall and the street.

4. Structured and Wrapped Parking
a. The following parking types are allowed in any MX-FB sub-zone, with requirements as noted. (See figure below.)

i. Parking structure with ground floor uses
ii. Wrapped parking
iii. Convertible parking structure
iv. Subterranean parking
b. In addition to the provisions in Subsection 14-16-5-5(G) (Parking Structure Design), parking structures in any MX-FB zone district shall comply with all of the following requirements.
i. Any ground floor street-facing façade shall be constructed using either a storefront or an urban residential building frontage type with pedestrian entrances spaced no more than 25 feet apart.
ii. At street corners, at least 1 corner architectural element, including but not limited to a corner entrance, signage, and windows, shall be incorporated into the façade.
2. Street trees shall be provided pursuant to Subsection 14-16-5-6(D)(1) along all street frontages regardless of the street classification.
3. If areas are required to be landscaped by 2 or more provisions of this IDO, landscaping provided that meets the greater requirement shall count toward fulfilling the overlapping requirements.
2-4(E)(3)(i) Outdoor and Site Lighting 23
Table 2-4-15: IDO Lighting Designations for the MX-FB Sub-zones specifies allowable use for each sub-zone. Where multiple designations are specified indicated for a zone district, the note in the table identifies which designation shall be used depending on context.
Lz2 = ANSI/IES Light Zone 2 Lz3 = ANSI/IES Light Zone 2 | ||||
IDO Lighting Designations | MX-FB-ID | MX-FB-FX | MX-FB-AC | MX-FB-UD |
Lz2 | X | X | X | X |
Lz3 | X
1 | X
1 | ||
Notes: [1] Within UC-MS-PT-MT areas, a higher lighting designation is allowed unless the subject property is adjacent to any Residential zone district. |
20 | 20 IDO Annual Update 2023 – Citywide Text Amendments – EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for clarity. “Indicate” in legal settings can connote a suggestion. [Spreadsheet Item #60] |
21 | 21 IDO Annual Update 2023 – Citywide Text Amendments – EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for clarity. “Indicate” in legal settings can connote a suggestion. [Spreadsheet Item #60] |
22 | 22 IDO Annual Update 2023 – Citywide Text Amendments – EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. Revised editorially for clarity. “Indicate” in legal settings can connote a suggestion. [Spreadsheet Item #60] |
23 | 23 IDO Annual Update 2023 – Citywide Text Amendments – EPC REVIEW. EPC Recommended Condition #1. [Spreadsheet Item #56 and Exhibit - Lighting] |