Planning and Zoning Appeals Board
21.001 Establishment; designation
21.002 Membership and vacancies
21.003 Organization, rules, meetings, records
21.004 Powers and duties as an advisory board
21.005 Background information
21.006 Comprehensive plan; contents, purposes
21.007 Map and text amendments to city ordinance; review and recommendations by Board
21.008 Subdivision regulations; review and approval by Board
21.009 Public properties and facilities; review and recommendations by Board
21.010 Powers and duties as a quasi-judicial review board
21.011 Quasi-judicial proceedings
21.012 Appeals from the Board
21.013 Appeals of decisions from Building Inspector
21.014 Appeals of decisions from Watershed Administrator
21.015 Public hearings; publicity; attendance at conferences
21.016 Annual report; budget
21.017 Special committees
Tree Commission
21.030 Purpose
21.031 Definitions
21.032 Creation and establishment of City Tree Commission
21.033 Term of office
21.034 Compensation
21.035 Duties and responsibilities
21.036 City jurisdiction and authority
21.037 Operation
21.038 Interference with Tree Commission
21.039 Street tree species/landscaping shrub species
21.040 Tree spacing and planting requirements
21.041 Public tree care
21.042 City property and rights-of-way
21.043 Private property
21.044 Protection of trees
21.045 Protection during construction
21.046 Tree topping
21.047 Removal of stumps
21.048 Review by City Council
21.049 Penalty
Public Housing Advisory Board
21.060 Establishment; designation
21.061 Membership and vacancies
21.062 Organization; rules; records; meetings
21.063 General powers and duties
Community Appearance Commission
21.075 Creation and purpose
21.076 Powers and duties of Commission
21.077 Annual report
21.078 Advisory council and committees
21.079 Staff and technical services
21.080 Receipts and expenditures of funds
21.081 Agency funds
Greenway Commission
21.095 Establishment; designation
21.096 Duties
21.097 Annual report
21.098 Special committees
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
21.110 Creation and purpose
21.111 Membership and qualifications
21.112 Term of office
21.113 Meetings
Historic Resources Commission
21.125 Establishment and jurisdiction
21.126 Membership and qualifications
21.127 Rules of procedure; design standards and meetings
21.128 Powers and duties
A Planning and Zoning Appeals Board is hereby established. Said board will henceforth serve all duties of and assume the authority previously assigned to the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. This shall include the additional roles of hearing appeals from the decision of the Building Inspector and Watershed Administrator as needed. Henceforth any reference to Planning Board or Board of Adjustment made in city ordinance shall be considered synonymous with Planning and Zoning Appeals Board or Board as used herein.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
(A) Membership. The Planning and Zoning Appeals Board shall consist of nine regular members and three alternate members. Alternate members shall serve on the Board in the absence or temporary disqualification of any regular member or to fill a vacancy pending appointment of a member. Alternate members shall be appointed for the same term, at the same time, and in the same manner as regular members. Each alternate member serving on behalf of any regular member has all the powers and duties of a regular member. Each member shall take an oath of office before starting his or her duties on the Board.
(B) Terms. Regular members and the first, second and third alternate members shall be appointed by the City Council to the Planning and Zoning Appeals Board for three year terms. Council shall maintain the starting and end date for all terms on the same day and month as decided by Council at the time of initial appointment. When the City Council is making initial appointments, appointments due to term expiration or appointments due to mid-term vacancies, they may appoint certain members for less than three years so that the terms of all members shall remain evenly staggered so as not expire in the same year. Any term for which a member has been appointed to and served for at least 50% of the days of the term shall be considered a full term. Members may be re-appointed by Council at the end of each term, however at the end of a second, consecutive, full term as a regular member, Board members shall not be eligible for reappointment until the expiration of one year from the end date of the member's last term. However, in order to maintain a full and functional Board, a member may continue to serve indefinitely until a replacement is appointed by Council.
(C) Compensation. All regular and alternate members who attend meetings are entitled to compensation and may be reimbursed for any expenses incurred while representing the Board, and for any mandatory training deemed to be a requirement.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
(A) Officers. The Planning and Zoning Appeals Board shall elect a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and create and fill any offices as it may determine from its members. Such elections shall be done during regular, open meetings and shall take place as soon as possible following each new term for appointment. The term of the chairman and other officers shall be one year or approximated to be as close to one year as allowed by term expiration, appointment and scheduling of meetings. Each elected officer shall be eligible for re-election.
(B) Administration. The Board shall be administered by an employee of the city as determined by the Planning Director. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Administrator shall be responsible for preparing agendas, advertising for meetings and agenda items, maintaining a roster of members, recording and drafting of minutes and assisting the chair in conducting the meeting and general administration of the Board.
(C) Rules. The Board shall adopt rules and bylaws in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the general statutes.
(D) Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at regularly scheduled dates and times as agreed upon by its members and at other times as the Board may determine and in accordance with general statutes. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with city ordinance, general statutes and Board. The Chairperson, or in his or her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside over the meeting. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. There shall be a quorum of five members for the purpose of taking any official action, however some decisions of the Board shall require a greater number as required by general statute or city ordinance.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
It shall be the duty of the Planning and Zoning Appeals Board to serve in an advisory capacity to City Council, in general, and to do the following.
(A) Acquire and maintain in current form basic information and materials as are necessary to an understanding of past trends, present conditions, and forces at work to cause changes in these conditions.
(B) Prepare and, from time to time, amend and revise a comprehensive and coordinated plan for the physical development of the city.
(C) Establish principles and policies for guiding action in the development of the city.
(D) Prepare and recommend to the City Council ordinances promoting orderly development along the lines indicated in the comprehensive plan.
(E) Determine whether specific proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan for the growth and improvement of the city.
(F) Conduct administrative hearings to review and approve or deny proposed major subdivisions in accordance with the standards and procedures of Planning and Regulation of Development chapters of this code.
(G) Review proposed map and text amendments and make recommendations to City Council.
(H) Keep the Council and the general public informed and advised as to these matters.
(I) Perform any other duties which may lawfully be assigned to it.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21; Am. Ord. 24-06, passed 2-19-24)