The Commission may receive contributions from private agencies, foundations, and organizations, for its use by the City Council. It may accept and disburse these funds for any purpose within the scope of its authority and as herein specified.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
(A) The City Finance Director is hereby directed to establish a Community Appearance Commission Fund.
(B) All monies raised through fund drives by the Commission and the disbursements of those monies shall be accounted for in this fund.
(C) All receipts of funds by the Commission during fiscal year 1996 and subsequent fiscal years shall be accounted for in this fund.
(D) Copies shall be made of this section and provided to the Finance Director for direction in carrying out this section.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
There is hereby established a commission, which shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council and city staff through the Parks and Recreation Department, for the purpose of assisting in the promotion and development of a greenway system for the city. The City of Albemarle Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, its members and officers, shall hereafter serve the role of the Albemarle Greenway Commission, incorporating all actions and duties assigned to that Board into its operations.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
It shall be the duty of the appointed board or commission, in general, to do the following:
(A) Study and make recommendations to the City Council for possible implementation locations.
(B) Educate the general public about the city's greenway program.
(C) Provide assistance necessary to help promote the development of the greenway in accordance with the master plan approved by the City Council.
(D) Review and make recommendations to the City Council for approval of development tracts which involve the dedication of a component of the city's greenway system.
(E) Seek sponsors and grants to help develop the greenway system in accordance with the master plan of development.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
The appointed board or commission may set up special committees to assist it in the study of specific questions and problems, and to carry out activities authorized by the Commission to promote the education of the public and to enhance their participation and enjoyment of the greenway system.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)