   (A)   The Housing Advisory Board shall elect a Chairperson, who shall have full voting privileges, and create and fill any offices as it may determine. The term of the Chairperson and other officers shall be one year, with eligibility for re-election. Each member of the Board shall take an oath of office before starting his or her duties.
   (B)   The Board shall adopt rules for transaction of its business and shall keep a record of its members' attendance and of its ordinances, minutes to include discussions, findings, and recommendations, which record shall be a public record.
   (C)   Meetings shall be open to the public. There shall be a quorum of five members for the purpose of taking any official action required by this subchapter.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
   It shall be the duty of the Housing Advisory Board in general to do the following:
   (A)   Review and recommend to City Council public housing in accordance with HUD regulation and within the budgetary and service levels authorized by the Council, regarding terms of lease, occupancy, late rent fees, pet policy, resident transfers, and other applicable regulations.
   (B)   Assess and update the public housing needs of the community and alert the Council, to changes in these needs.
   (C)   Serve as liaison with the public housing residents' organization. Provide time at each meeting for a report from the residents' organization and remarks by any resident. Hold an annual meeting with residents to hear needs, concerns, complaints, and ideas.
   (D)   Recommend a tenant grievance policy, in accordance with HUD regulations, for the Council's consideration and adoption. Serve as grievance panel for those tenant grievances not settled at the staff level. Tenants shall retain the right to appeal Housing Board decisions directly to the City Council.
   (E)   Advise the Council with respect to public housing funding needs at the beginning of the budget cycle, and make recommendations to the Council regarding the recommended budget and fiscal policies.
   (F)   Work with other human service organizations in the community, coordinate services to residents of public housing, and help assure that residents are provided with social services to which they are entitled.
   (G)   Advise the Council regarding affordable housing initiatives, programs, and services.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
   There is hereby created and established pursuant to the provisions of G.S. Ch. 160A, Art. 19, Part 7, a commission for the purpose of initiating, promoting and assisting in the implementation of general community beautification in the city. The City of Albemarle Historic Resources Commission, its members and officers, shall hereafter serve the role of such commission, incorporating all actions and duties assigned to that commission into its operations. The Commission shall be advisory in its role of appearance commission and shall not make any rulings of a quasi-judicial nature outside of the separate duties assigned to it as a historic preservation body.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
   The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To make studies of the visual characteristics and problems of the city, including surveys and inventories of an appropriate nature, and to recommend standards and policies of design for the entire area, any portion or neighborhood thereof, or any project to be undertaken;
   (B)   To initiate, promote and assist in the implementation of programs of general community beautification in the city;
   (C)   To seek to coordinate the activities of individuals, agencies, and organizations, public and private, whose plans, activities and programs bear upon the appearance of the city;
   (D)   To provide leadership and guidance in matters of area or community design and appearance to individuals, and to public and private organizations and agencies;
   (E)   To prepare both general and specific plans for the improved appearance of the city. These plans may include the entire area or any part thereof, and may include private as well as public property. The plans shall set forth desirable standards and goals for the aesthetic enhancement of the city or any part thereof within its area of planning and zoning jurisdiction, including public ways and areas, open spaces, and public and private buildings and projects;
   (F)   To request from the proper officials of any public agency or body, including agencies of the state and its political subdivisions, its plans for public buildings, facilities, or projects to be located within the city or its area of planning and zoning jurisdiction;
   (G)   To review these plans and to make recommendations regarding their aesthetic suitability to the appropriate agency, or to the Planning Board or City Council. All plans shall be reviewed by the Commission in a prompt and expeditious manner, and all recommendations of the Commission with regard to any public projects shall be made in writing. Copies of the recommendations shall be transmitted promptly to the Planning Board or City Council and to the appropriate agency;
   (H)   To formulate and recommend to the City Council the adoption or amendment of ordinances (including the zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, and other local ordinances regulating the use of property) that will, in the opinion of the Commission, serve to enhance the appearance of the city and its surrounding areas;
   (I)   To direct the attention of city officials to needed enforcement of any ordinance that may in any way affect the appearance of the city;
   (J)   To seek voluntary adherence to the standards and policies of its plans;
   (K)   To enter, in the performance of its official duties and at reasonable times, upon private lands with the property owner's permission, and make examinations or surveys;
   (L)   To promote public interest in and an understanding of its recommendations, studies and plans, and to that end, to prepare, publish and distribute to the public such studies and reports as will, in the opinion of the Commission, advance the cause of improved municipal appearance;
   (M)   To conduct public meetings and hearings, giving reasonable notice to the public thereof.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
   The Commission shall, no later than April 15 of each year, submit to the City Council a written report of its activities, a statement of its expenditures to date for the current fiscal year, and its requested budget for the next fiscal year. All accounts and funds of the Commission shall be administered substantially in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
   The Commission may establish an advisory council or temporary or permanent committees needed to assist in the study of specific questions and problems, when, in the judgment of the Commission, it shall not delegate to such advisory council or committees any of its official powers.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)