The appointed board or commission may set up special committees to assist it in the study of specific questions and problems, and to carry out activities authorized by the Commission to promote the education of the public and to enhance their participation and enjoyment of the greenway system.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
There is hereby created and established pursuant to the provisions of G.S. Ch. 160A, Art. 18, Sec. 354, the City of Albemarle Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as the “Advisory Board,” for the purpose of providing guidance to the governing authorities of the City of Albemarle and its and parks and recreation staff in the development of programs, special events, activities, and departmental facilities; to provide means for communities and neighborhoods in the city to be represented in the administrative, managerial, programming and planning processes of the Parks and Recreation Department; to facilitate the inclusion of public opinion in the process of planning, development, and implementing departmental policies, procedures, and practices; and to serve as an advocate for parks and recreation in the processes of public planning, funding and administration. The Advisory Board shall also serve the role of the former Albemarle Greenway Commission, incorporating all actions and duties assigned to that commission into its operations.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
(A) The Advisory Board shall consist of members residing in the corporate limits of the City of Albemarle, and up to two members residing from outside Albemarle corporate limits in Stanly County. Members shall exemplify and take an active interest in Albemarle parks and recreation through involvement in programs and use of parks and other departmental facilities. Additionally, where possible, appointments shall be made in such a manner as to maintain on the Board at all times a majority of members who have experience with and knowledge of greenways, greenway planning, land acquisition and development.
(B) The Advisory Board shall be composed of nine to eleven members appointed as follows:
(1) One member from each of the four Council (Electoral) Districts in the city appointed by the City Council;
(2) Five to seven members appointed by the City Council at large.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)
(A) Members shall be appointed to three-year, staggered terms.
(B) Initially, appointments to the Advisory Board for Council (Electoral) Districts 1 and 3 shall be for the term expiring June 30, 2018; appointments for Council (Electoral) Districts 2 and 4 shall be for the term expiring June 30, 2019.
(C) Initially, Council shall appoint at-large members to the Advisory Board, with one member to a term expiring June 30, 2019; one member to a term expiring June 30, 2018; and three members to a term expiring June 30, 2017.
(D) As each term expires, the position shall be filled for an additional three-year period ending on June 30, regardless of date of appointment. Members may succeed themselves.
(E) No member shall serve more than two subsequent whole terms in their entirety without at least a one-year hiatus between appointments. However, a member may continue to serve indefinitely at the end of a term until a replacement is appointed by Council.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)