It shall be the duty of the Housing Advisory Board in general to do the following:
   (A)   Review and recommend to City Council public housing in accordance with HUD regulation and within the budgetary and service levels authorized by the Council, regarding terms of lease, occupancy, late rent fees, pet policy, resident transfers, and other applicable regulations.
   (B)   Assess and update the public housing needs of the community and alert the Council, to changes in these needs.
   (C)   Serve as liaison with the public housing residents' organization. Provide time at each meeting for a report from the residents' organization and remarks by any resident. Hold an annual meeting with residents to hear needs, concerns, complaints, and ideas.
   (D)   Recommend a tenant grievance policy, in accordance with HUD regulations, for the Council's consideration and adoption. Serve as grievance panel for those tenant grievances not settled at the staff level. Tenants shall retain the right to appeal Housing Board decisions directly to the City Council.
   (E)   Advise the Council with respect to public housing funding needs at the beginning of the budget cycle, and make recommendations to the Council regarding the recommended budget and fiscal policies.
   (F)   Work with other human service organizations in the community, coordinate services to residents of public housing, and help assure that residents are provided with social services to which they are entitled.
   (G)   Advise the Council regarding affordable housing initiatives, programs, and services.
(Ord. 18-30, passed 9-4-18; Am. Ord. 21-26, passed 7-12-21)