(A)   Purpose. Administrative offense procedures established pursuant to this section are intended to provide the public and the city with an informal, cost effective and expeditious alternative to traditional criminal charges for violations of certain city ordinance provisions. The procedures are intended to be voluntary on the part of those who have been charged with administrative offenses. At any time prior to the payment of the city penalty as is provided for thereafter, the individual may withdraw from participation in the procedures, in which event the city may bring criminal charges in accordance with law. Likewise, the city, at its discretion, may choose not to initiate an administrative offense and may bring criminal charges in accordance with law. Likewise, the city, at its discretion, may choose not to initiate an administrative offense and may bring criminal charges in the first instance.
   (B)   “Administrative offense” defined. An ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSE is a violation of a provision of a city ordinance and is subject to the city penalties set forth in the schedule of offenses and penalties referred to in division (G) below.
   (C)   Notice. Any officer of the city’s Police Department or any other person employed by the city, authorized in writing by the City Council, and having authority to enforce this section, shall, upon determining that there has been a violation, notify the violator or, in the case of a vehicular violation, attach to the vehicle a notice of the violation. Said notice shall set forth the nature, date and time of the violation, the name of the official issuing the notice and the amount of the scheduled penalty.
   (D)   Payment. Once such notice is given, the alleged violator shall, within 14 days of the time of issuance of the notice, pay the amount set forth on the schedule of penalties for the violation. The penalty may be paid in person or by mail, the payment shall be deemed to be an admission of the violation.
   (E)   Failure to pay. In the event a party charged with an administrative offense fails to pay the penalty, a misdemeanor or petty misdemeanor charge may be brought against the alleged violator in accordance with applicable statutes. If the penalty is paid, no further charge shall be brought by the city for the same violation.
   (F)   Disposition of penalties. All penalties collected pursuant to this section shall be paid to the city and deposited into the city’s General Fund.
   (G)   Offenses and penalties. Violations which may be charged as administrative offenses and the penalties for such offenses may be established by resolution of the City Council from time to time. Copies of such resolution shall be maintained in the office of the City Administrator.
Prohibited Activity
Fines; Petty Misdemeanors; Misdemeanors
City Penalty
Code Section(s)
Special Provisions
Prohibited Activity
Fines; Petty Misdemeanors; Misdemeanors
City Penalty
Code Section(s)
Special Provisions
   Brew Pubs, Breweries, and the like
Up to $2,000 for each violation or impose
First offense: $30
Second offense: $40
Third offense within a year: automatic court appearance
Fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or both
Burning in city limits
Fine of not more than $100, plus the costs of prosecution
$50 for the first offense; $100 for the second offense committed within a one-year period
   First and second offense:
See § 131.99
   Third offense
$25 citation
   Fourth offense
$50 citation
   Fifth offense
$100 citation
   Sixth offense and any subsequent offense
$200 citation
Highway Traffic Regulations Act
A fine of not to exceed $700 and/or by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days; but, if a minimum fine or imprisonment is prescribed by the state’s Highway Traffic Act for an offense, the penalty shall apply to a person convicted of the same offense under § 70.01 of this chapter
Junk vehicles, unclaimed and abandoned property, unlawful storage or disposal of property
Fine of not more than $700 or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both
Fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or both
Motorized vehicles on a city park trail
Fine of not more than $700 or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both, plus the costs of prosecution in either case
Noise control
A fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both
$50 if the violation involves a motor vehicle;$100 for all other violations
Notice to recreation vehicle and snowmobile operators
Parking of vehicles and other objects on the streets of the city
If the city penalty is not paid within 14 days, the fine will increase to $30; if the administrative penalty is not paid within 30 days, a criminal citation will be issued along with a $50 fine
Parking of semi-trucks on the streets of the city
Peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants
Public Nuisances; Health and Sanitation
$50 for the first offense; $100 for the second offense committed within a one-year period
   Placing of snow upon public streets
   Removal of snow, ice, dirt, and rubbish from sidewalks; the elimination of weeds from public and private property; removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards from private property; installation or repair of water service lines and sewer service lines; the repair of sidewalks and alleys; the trimming and care of trees and removal of unsound and diseased trees; and the collection of the costs of such work or service when done by the city as a special assessment
$50 for the first offense; $100 for the second offense committed within a one-year period
   Snow, ice, dirt and rubbish; weeds and the like
A fine of not more than $300 or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, and the costs of prosecution in either case may be added
Recreational vehicles
A fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or both
Fine in the amount not exceeding $500 for each violation
Sidewalk regulations
$50 for the first offense; $100 for the second offense committed within a one-year period
A fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or both
Fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or both
Tax - Lodging
The minimum penalty shall be $10, irrespective of the calculation
   Expenses in holding hearing
Administrative fine of $75 for a first violation of this chapter; $200 for a second offense at the same licensed premises within a 24-month period; and $250 for a third or subsequent offense at the same location within a 24-month period
   Other individuals
Administrative fine of $50
Unauthorized Dumpsters and other refuse containers
Unreasonable acceleration and driving conduct of motor vehicles
Not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or both
Unwholesome substances or solid waste within the city
$50 for first offense;
$100 for the second offense committed within one year
Unwholesome substances; littering
Fine not to exceed $700 or imprisonment for not more than 90 days
Water, usage and connections
   General penalty
$500.00 plus costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or both
   Lawn watering restrictions
Warning for the first violation, $25 for the second violation, and a $50 per day fine for all subsequent violations in that calendar year
Zoning and subdivisions
Fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or both
(Ord. 329, passed 11-19-2007; Res. passed 4-8-2008)