For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPROVED CONTAINER AND APPROVED PLACE. An approved place shall be a garden or driveway of gravel, pavement or dirt cover. A fire shall be surrounded by this gravel, dirt or pavement for a seven-foot radius.
   BURNING PERMITS. A burning permit for burning permitted matter in an area or place not described in § 90.22 of this chapter must be obtained from the City Administrator’s office. The BURNING PERMIT may be subject to restrictions placed by the city’s Fire Chief or the state’s Department of Natural Resources.
   PERMITTED BURNING MATERIAL. Non-human-made organic matter such as leaves, grass, untreated wood and tree branches.
(Ord. 265, passed - -1971; Ord. 341, passed 4-19-2010)