(A)   Erosion and drainage.
      (1)   No land shall be developed and no use shall be permitted that results in water runoff causing flooding, erosion or deposit of sediment on adjacent properties or bodies of water.
      (2)   All storm sewer inlets and drainage ways that are functioning during construction shall be protected so that sediment laden water does not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment.
      (3)   All on-site storm water conveyance systems must be designed and constructed to withstand the design volume of storm water with appropriate stabilization to prevent scour and erosion. Erosion controls must be provided at the outlets of all storm sewer pipes or drainage ways.
      (4)   All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control practices shall be maintained and repaired to assure the continued performance of their intended function.
      (5)   All disturbed ground left inactive for seven or more days shall be stabilized by seeding or sodding or by mulching or covering or other equivalent control measure.
      (6)   All temporary erosion control devices, including silt fence, gravel, hay bales or other measures shall be removed from the construction site and properly disposed of or recycled. This removal and disposal must occur within 60 days of the establishment of permanent vegetative cover on the disturbed area.
   (B)   Fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. No person shall place, spread or store fertilizers, herbicides and/or pesticides in any manner other than that recommended by the manufacturer or in any manner which allows any escape of nutrients or toxins into the air, ground water or surface water of the city.
   (C)   Tree removal and soil erosion prevention.
      (1)   Intensive vegetation clearing within the shoreland setbacks and on steep slopes is not allowed.
         (a)   Along rivers, existing shading of water shall be preserved.
         (b)   No tree larger than four inches in diameter shall be removed, except to accommodate a stairway or landing.
      (2)   All vegetation removal must be done according to Best Management Practices in Minnesota. Soil erosion must be prevented and area storm water drainage patterns shall not be altered.
      (3)   Any area disturbed during any clearing operation shall have the native topsoil augmented and the area shall be replanted with native vegetation.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008) Penalty, see § 152.999