A. District Character. The Downtown Periphery (DTP) district includes the land around the immediate core of downtown as well as peripheral land that would benefit from being included in the downtown and developed at a higher density or intensity. Land in the DTP is strongly encouraged to redevelop from its current single-use, low- intensity development pattern to higher density mixed-use forms of development where uses are mixed vertically in a single building or horizontally on the same lot or site. The establishment of additional higher density forms of residential development is the key objective for the DTP district. Also encouraged are nonresidential and institutional uses that provide an experience to visitors in addition to goods and services. Development in the DTP should be consistent with traditional southern small-town character where emphasis is placed on pedestrian travel and Town streets and buildings include public art and opportunities for residents and visitors to gather and interact. The primary purpose of the DTP district is to expand the footprint of Zebulon's downtown in ways that promote pedestrian orientation, uses that will provide activity and vibrant "street life" for a least 12 hours per day.
B. Example of Lot Pattern.
C. Dimensional Standards.
Maximum Residential Density (units/acre) | Single-Family Detached - 8 |
Duplex/Triplex/Quad. - 10 | |
Single-Family Attached - 10 | |
Multi-Family - 12 | |
Mixed-Use - 32 | |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | Residential 3,000; Non-Residential 10,000 |
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet) | 30 |
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area) | 85 |
Minimum Lot Frontage Occupied by Building Wall and/or Public Gathering Area (% of lot frontage) | 75 |
Minimum Street Setback (feet) | None |
Maximum Street Setback (feet) | 40; may be increased to accommodate outdoor dining or a public gathering area |
Minimum Setback for Off-Street Parking (feet) | 20 |
Minimum Side Setback (feet) | None; 5 if provided |
Minimum Rear Setback (feet) | 15 |
Minimum Building Height (feet/stories) | Residential - 12/1 Non-Residential and Mixed Use - 20/2; may follow the residential standards if outdoor dining or a public gathering area is provided between the building and the street |
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories) | 60/4 |
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet) | 15 |
Minimum Required Open Space Set-Aside (% of lot area) | 10 (provided as urban set-aside) |
D. Development Examples.
E. District-Specific Standards.
1. Boundary Modifications. Except for the establishment of a PD district, applications seeking to revise the DTP district boundary may only be proposed after completion of, or amendment to, a small area plan for the downtown by Town staff, unless this requirement is waived by the Board of Commissioners.
2. Off-Street Parking and Loading.
a. No minimum off-street vehicular parking is required, but if provided, it shall comply with the standards in Section 5.8.5, Parking Lot Configuration, except that landscaping shall not be required.
b. If off-street parking spaces or loading spaces are provided, they shall be at least 20 feet from a lot line and shall be either behind a building wall, screening wall meeting the standards of Level 4 or better (see Table 5.10.5, Screening Methods), or be within a parking structure.
3. Landscaping.
a. Except for the provision of street trees in accordance with Section 5.6.13.
b. Street Trees, landscaping is not required.
c. Lots located in the DTP district that abut lots in different zoning district other than DTC or PD shall provide a perimeter buffer in accordance with Table 5.6.10.F, Buffer Application.
4. Screening. All service areas, equipment, and similar site features shall be screened in accordance with Section 5.10, Screening.
5. Signage. Signage types shall be limited to wall signs, window signs, projecting signs, ground signs, and suspended signs in accordance with Section 5.11, Signage.
6. Exterior Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be provided in a manner necessary to illuminate building entrances and outdoor access to sidewalks and public gathering areas.
7. Fences and Walls.
a. Except for single-family residential development, fences or walls shall not be located between the primary entrance of a building and the front lot line.
b. Fencing and privacy walls may be used to screen parking and service features or yards to the sides or rear of a building.
8. Streets.
a. Development in the DTP district shall continue or establish a grid street pattern where no street segment shall extend more than 500 feet without another street intersection, alley intersection, or mid-block pedestrian accessway.
b. New development shall dedicate and construct new streets in the DTP district.
c. Private streets are prohibited within the DTP district.
d. Rear- or side-loaded alleys shall be provided and dedicated to the Town wherever possible.
e. In cases where a rear- or side-loaded vehicular alley is not feasible to construct new development shall provide a mid-block public pedestrian accessway with a minimum width of 12 feet.
9. Sidewalks.
a. Sidewalks meeting the configuration characteristics on adjacent lots shall be provided between all building walls and an abutting street right-of-way.
b. Building facades along sidewalks shall include weather protection for pedestrians.
10. Pedestrian Accessways. Improved pedestrian accessways shall be provided between the primary entrance of all multi-family, non-residential, and mixed- use buildings and the adjacent public sidewalk system or public mid-block pedestrian accessways.
11. Block Lengths. The established pattern of streets and blocks shall be continued and shall not be interrupted or blocked by new buildings.
12. Public Utilities. Public water, public sewer, and street drainage infrastructure shall be required as a part of new development and redevelopment.
13. Design Standards.
a. All new development and redevelopment shall be configured in accordance with the applicable design standards in Section 5.3, Design Standards.
b. An applicant may propose development that deviates from the applicable design standards subject to special review by the TRC, who shall determine if the proposed deviations:
i. Maintain consistency with the Town's adopted policy guidance;
ii. Support the purpose and intent statements of the DTP district generally;
iii. Result in a higher quality of development than would have otherwise resulted from a strict application of the design standards; and
iv. Mitigate any potential negative impacts that may result from the deviation.
14. Compatibility Standards. New multi-family, non-residential, and mixed-use development that abuts or is across a street from single-family detached dwelling located in a different zoning district (other than DTC or PD) shall be configured in accordance with the following standards:
a. The building shall maintain a maximum height of two stories or less within 150 linear feet of a lot line subject to these compatibility standards;
b. The use shall not include speakers that produce music or other noise that is audible beyond the lot line;
c. Drive throughs or other vehicular-related service area shall not be adjacent to a lot line subject to these compatibility standards;
d. Surface off-street parking areas that abut a lot line subject to these compatibility standards shall be screened by an opaque fence or privacy wall with a minimum height of six feet above grade;
e. Vending machines, service areas, mechanical equipment, loading areas, and similar functional elements shall be located as far as possible from lot lines subject to these compatibility standards, or shall be configured in a manner that prevents any negative impacts (visual, auditory, or otherwise); and
f. Refuse collection, recycling, and other waste-related activities shall be located as far as possible from a lot line subject to these standards.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2021-55, passed 3-1-2021)