3.1.3.   Zoning Districts Established
   A.   Table 3.1.3, Zoning Districts Established, sets out the general, conditional, and special use zoning districts established by this Ordinance.
   B.   General zoning districts are grouped into Residential, Commercial, and Mixed Use District categories.
Table 3.1.3: Zoning Districts Established
Zoning District Abbreviations
Zoning District Name
Table 3.1.3: Zoning Districts Established
Zoning District Abbreviations
Zoning District Name
General Zoning Districts
Residential Districts
Residential Watershed
Residential Suburban
Residential Neighborhood
Residential Urban
Residential Multi-Family
Commercial Districts
Neighborhood Commercial
General Commercial
Heavy Commercial
Light Industrial
Industrial Campus
Heavy Industrial
Mixed Use Districts
Office and Institutional
Downtown Periphery
Downtown Core
Planned Development
Conditional Zoning Districts
Residential Watershed - Conditional
Residential Suburban - Conditional
Residential Neighborhood - Conditional
Residential Urban - Conditional
Residential Multi-Family - Conditional
Neighborhood Commercial - Conditional
Table 3.1.3: Zoning Districts Established
Zoning District Abbreviations
Zoning District Name
Table 3.1.3: Zoning Districts Established
Zoning District Abbreviations
Zoning District Name
General Commercial - Conditional
Heavy Commercial - Conditional
Light Industrial - Conditional
Campus Industrial - Conditional
Heavy Industrial - Conditional
Office and Institutional - Conditional
Downtown Periphery - Conditional
Downtown Core - Conditional
Special Use Zoning Districts
Residential 13-Special Use
Commercial Amusement-Special Use
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
3.1.4.   Organization of These Zoning District Standards
   A.   Official Zoning Map. Section 3.1.4.A, Official Zoning Map, establishes the Official Zoning Map and describes how it is updated and interpreted.
   B.   General Zoning Districts.
      1.   Sections 3.3.1, 3.4.1, and 3.5.1, Summary Purpose and Intent Statements, set out a series of purpose and intent statements broadly applicable to each individual district type in the Residential, Commercial, and Mixed Use districts.
      2.   Sections 3.3 through 3.5 include the detailed purpose statement dimensional standards, and example images for each general zoning district listed in Table 3.1.3, Zoning Districts Established.
      3.   The black lettered circles included in each dimensional standards table correspond to the black lettered circles in the dimensional and development configuration example images for the same zoning district.
      4.   The development, lot pattern, dimensional, and lot configuration example diagrams are for illustrative purposes only. In cases where an image conflicts
with the text for the district or some other portion of this Ordinance, the text, not the illustration, shall control.
      5.   The range of allowable uses for each zoning district is identified in Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table.
      6.   Some zoning districts include district-specific standards that apply to all lands in the particular zoning district classification.
   C.   Conditional Zoning Districts. Section 3.6, Conditional Districts, sets out the standards applicable to the conditional zoning districts listed in Table 3.1.3, Zoning Districts Established.
   D.   Special Use Zoning Districts. The special use zoning districts are established in Section 3.7, Special Use Districts. This section also includes the district-specific standards for each special use district.
   E.   Overlay Zoning Districts. The overlay zoning districts are established in Section 3.8. This section also includes the district-specific standards for each overlay district.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
3.1.5.   Generally Applicable Dimensional Standards
In addition to the dimensional standards in each individual zoning district the following bulk and dimensional standards shall apply to all development in the Town's planning jurisdiction.
   A.   Maximum Density may be Increased. Unless otherwise indicated in this Ordinance, the maximum density for a general or conditional zoning district may be increased beyond the amount listed in Sections 3.3 through 0 of this Ordinance in cases where:
      1.   Single-family detached, attached, or duplex dwellings are configured in accordance with the provisions in Section 5.2, Design Guidelines; and
      2.   Any form of allowable residential development is configured in accordance with the standards in Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives.
   B.   Maximum Height may be Increased. Unless otherwise indicated in this Ordinance, the maximum height for a general or conditional zoning district may be increased beyond the amount listed in Sections 3.3 through 0 of this Ordinance in cases where development is configured in accordance with the standards in Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives.
   C.   Reductions Prohibited. Except where otherwise authorized by this Ordinance:
      1.   Lots created after January 1, 2020 shall meet the minimum lot dimensional requirements for the district where located.
      2.   No lot shall be reduced in area below the minimum requirements for the district where located except as part of a planned development, conditional rezoning application, or in recognition of the provision of sustainable development features in accordance with Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives.
   D.   Required Yards.
      1.   The land area between a lot line and the boundary of a required setback is considered as a required yard.
      2.   The location of front (or street), side, or rear yards on irregularly-shaped lots shall be determined by the Planning Director in accordance with Section 9.3, Rules of Measurement. Wherever possible, the Planning Director shall interpret these boundaries in ways that minimize nonconformities.
      3.   Except where otherwise provided in Section 9.3.5, Setback Encroachments, required yards shall not be subject to encroachment by a building, structure, or outdoor use area.
   E.   Setbacks From Streets. No building or structure shall be located closer to any public street right-of-way or existing private street edge than the minimum setback line established by this Ordinance.
   F.   Double Counting of Required Areas. No land area or other required space counted as part of a required yard, setback, lot area, or similar feature on one lot may be simultaneously counted towards the requirements on another lot.
   G.   Exceeding Maximum Limitations. No building or development shall exceed the maximum height limit, impervious surface limitation, maximum parking requirement, or residential density for the zoning district where located, unless allowed in accordance with this Ordinance.
   H.   Failure to Meet Minimum Requirements. No lot shall be altered in a manner that results in creation of a nonconformity except where authorized by this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
3.2.1.   Generally
   A.   The Official Zoning Map designates the location and boundaries of the general, conditional, special use, and overlay zoning districts established in this Ordinance.
   B.   The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) shall designate the location and boundaries of the FHO district, as amended by any associated Flood Insurance Studies (FIS).
   C.   The Official Zoning Map shall be maintained in a digital format and paper copies shall be kept on file in the Planning Department and are available for public inspection during normal business hours.
   D.   The digital version of the Official Zoning Map maintained in the offices of the Planning Department shall be the final authority as to the status of the current zoning district classification of land in the Town's planning jurisdiction, and shall only be amended in accordance with Section 2.2.6, Conditional Rezoning, Section 2.2.13, Planned Development, or Section 2.2.24, Zoning Map Amendment, as appropriate.
   E.   The Planning Director shall maintain digital copies of superseded versions of the Official Zoning Map for historical reference, as appropriate.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
3.2.2.   Incorporated by Reference
   A.   The Official Zoning Map, as amended, is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made part of this Ordinance.
   B.   The Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) prepared by FEMA and the associated Flood Insurance Study (FIS) are hereby incorporated by reference herein and made part of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
3.2.3.   Interpretation of Official Zoning Map Boundaries
The Planning Director shall be responsible for determination of boundaries on the Official Zoning Map in accordance with the standards in Section 2.2.12, Interpretation, and the following standards:
   A.   Boundaries shown as approximately following a utility line or a street, alley, railroad, or other public accessway shall be interpreted as following the centerline of the right- of-way or easement for the utility line or accessway.
   B.   If a street, alley, railroad, or utility easement forming the boundary between two separate zoning districts is abandoned or removed from dedication, the district boundaries shall be construed as following the centerline of the abandoned or vacated roadbed or utility easement.
   C.   Boundaries shown as approximately following a lot line shall be interpreted as following the lot line as it existed when the boundary was established. If a subsequent minor adjustment (such as from settlement of a boundary dispute or overlap) results in the lot line moving 10 feet or less, the zoning boundary shall be interpreted as moving with the lot line.
   D.   Boundaries shown as approximately following a river, stream, canal, lake, or other watercourse shall be interpreted as following the centerline of the watercourse as it actually exists, and as moving with that centerline to the extent the watercourse moves as a result of natural processes (flooding, erosion, sedimentation, etc.).
   E.   Boundaries shown parallel to or as extensions of features indicated in this subsection shall be interpreted as such.
   F.   Boundaries shown as following the boundary of the Town limits shall be interpreted as following the boundary of municipal incorporation.
   G.   Where the actual location of existing physical or natural features vary from that shown on the Official Zoning Map, or in other circumstances that are not covered by this subsection, the Planning Director shall have the authority to determine the district boundaries (see Section 2.2.12, Interpretation).
   H.   Wherever a single lot is located within two or more different zoning districts, each portion of the lot shall be subject to all the regulations applicable to the zoning district where it is located.
   I.   If the specific location of a depicted boundary cannot be determined from application of the above standards, it shall be determined by using the Official Zoning Map's scale to determine the boundary's distance from other features shown on the map.
   J.   Interpretations of the Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) district boundary shall be made by the Floodplain Administrator, in accordance with the standards in Section 3.8.2, Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) District.
   K.   In the case of FHO district boundaries, the FEMA work maps, if available, shall be used for scaling.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
3.2.4. Changes to Official Zoning Map
   A.   Changes made in zoning district boundaries on the Official Zoning Map shall be considered an amendment to this Ordinance.
   B.   Changes to the Official Zoning Map approved by the Board of Commissioners shall be entered on the Official Zoning Map by the Planning Director promptly after the approval.
   C.   Where the ordinance enacting a zoning district boundary change contains wording explaining or clarifying the location of the new boundary, the Planning Director shall enter the boundary on the Official Zoning Map in accordance with the ordinance wording.
   D.   Upon entering the most recently-approved amendment on the Official Zoning Map, the Planning Director shall also change the date of the map to indicate the date of its latest revision.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)