2.2.6.   Conditional Rezoning
   A.   Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this section is to provide a uniform means for amending the Official Zoning Map to establish a conditional zoning district. In cases where the standards of a general use zoning district are inadequate to ensure that development allowed by the district will conform to the Town's adopted plans or to appropriately address the impacts expected to be generated by development, a landowner may apply for a conditional rezoning. The conditional rezoning, if approved, establishes a parallel conditional zoning district that is equivalent to a corresponding general use zoning district, except as modified through additional conditions restrictions that the applicant and Town mutually agree are necessary to ensure conformance with adopted plans and to adequately address expected development impacts.
   B.   Applicability. This procedure sets out the requirements for amendments to the zoning district designation of land within the Town's planning jurisdiction as well as for land coming into the Town's planning jurisdiction via annexation in accordance with Section 160D-703 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
   C.   Procedures Distinguished. Applications filed as a conditional rezoning application may not be converted to a map amendment application to establish a general use zoning district during the review process, and shall instead be withdrawn and resubmitted as a zoning map amendment application (see Section 2.2.25, Zoning Map Amendment).
   D.   Applied to Entire Site.
      1.   Applications for a conditional rezoning submitted after January 1, 2020 shall include all the land area within a recorded lot or site that is the subject of the application.
      2.   Conditional rezoning applications may not establish bifurcated zoning classifications where only a portion of a lot or site is subject to a particular conditional zoning district classification.
   E.   Conditional Rezoning Procedure. The conditional rezoning procedure is described in Figure 2.2.6, Conditional Rezoning Procedure, as supplemented by Section 2.3, Application Processing, and the Procedures Manual.
Figure 2.2.6: Conditional Rezoning Procedure
   F.   Application Submittal.
      1.   Conditional rezoning applications may only be initiated by the landowner(s) of the land subject to the application, or their authorized agents.
      2.   All conditions of approval proposed by the applicant must be included with the conditional zoning application.
      3.   Conditional rezoning applications shall include a site plan or concept plan depicting the proposed development configuration that shall be reviewed by the TRC prior to the joint public hearing.
      4.   The application shall include a transportation impact analysis for review, when required by Section 6.13, Transportation Impact Analysis.
   G.   Joint Public Hearing. Following provision of public notice for a public hearing in accordance with Section 2.3.6, Public Notice, the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners shall conduct a joint legislative public hearing on the conditional rezoning application.
   H.   Review by Planning Board.
      1.   The Planning Board, following the close of the joint public hearing, shall review the application and the information presented during the joint public hearing during a follow-up public meeting, and shall make a recommendation on the conditional rezoning application in accordance with Section 2.2.6.K, Conditional Rezoning Review Standards.
      2.   In making its recommendation, the Planning Board shall prepare a written consistency statement including each of the following:
         a.   Whether the conditional rezoning application is recommended for approval, denial, or remanded to Town staff; and
         b.   The degree to which the conditional rezoning is or is not consistent with the Town's adopted policy guidance; and
         c.   The ways in which the conditional rezoning is or is not consistent with the Town's adopted policy guidance; and
         d.   Whether approval of the conditional rezoning amends or does not amend the Town's adopted policy guidance; and
         e.   If the adopted policy guidance is amended as part of the application approval, a description of the change in conditions to meet the development needs of the Town that were taken into account as part of the approval; and
         f.   An explanation of why the recommendation is reasonable; and
         g.   An explanation of why the recommendation is in the public interest.
      3.   During its review of a conditional rezoning application, the Planning Board may suggest revisions to the proposed conditions (including the concept plan), consistent with the provisions of Section 2.2.6.L, Conditions of Approval. Only those revisions agreed to in writing by the applicant shall be incorporated into the application.
   I.   Board of Commissioners Review and Decision.
      1.   The Board of Commissioners, after the conclusion of the joint public hearing conducted with the Planning Board, and receipt of a recommendation on the conditional rezoning application by the Planning Board, shall decide the application during a follow-up public meeting in accordance with Section 2.2.6.K, Conditional Rezoning Review Standards.
      2.   The decision shall be one of the following:
         a.   Adoption of the conditional rezoning application as proposed;
         b.   Adoption of a revised conditional rezoning application;
         c.   Denial of the conditional rezoning application; or
         d.   Remand of the conditional rezoning application to the Planning Board for further consideration.
      3.   In making its decision, the Board of Commissioners shall adopt a written consistency statement including each of the following:
         a.   Whether the conditional rezoning application is approved, denied, or remanded; and
         b.   The degree to which the conditional rezoning is or is not consistent with the Town's adopted policy guidance; and
         c.   The ways in which the conditional rezoning is or is not consistent with the Town's adopted policy guidance; and
         d.   Whether approval of the conditional rezoning amends or does not amend the Town's adopted policy guidance; and
         e.   If the adopted policy guidance is amended as part of the application approval, a description of the change in conditions to meet the development needs of the Town that were taken into account as part of the approval; and
         f.   An explanation of why the action taken by the Board of Commissioners is reasonable; and
         g.   An explanation of why the action taken by the Board of Commissioners is in the public interest.
   J.   Designation on Official Zoning Map. The Planning Director shall make changes to the Official Zoning Map promptly after approval of a conditional rezoning application by the Board of Commissioners.
   K.   Conditional Rezoning Review Standards. The advisability of an amendment to the Official Zoning Map is a matter committed to the legislative discretion of the Board of Commissioners and is not controlled by any one factor. In determining whether to adopt or deny a proposed conditional rezoning, the Board of Commissioners may weigh the relevance of and consider the following:
      1.   Whether the proposed conditional rezoning advances the public health, safety, or welfare;
      2.   Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional rezoning is appropriate for its proposed location, and is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the town's adopted policy guidance;
      3.   Whether an approval of the conditional rezoning is reasonable and in the public interest;
      4.   Whether and the extent to which the concept plan associated with the conditional rezoning is consistent with this Ordinance; and
      5.   Any other factors as the Board of Commissioners may determine to be relevant.
   L.   Conditions of Approval.
      1.   Only conditions mutually agreed to by the owner(s) of the property that is the subject of a conditional zoning district designation and the Board of Commissioners may be approved as part of a conditional rezoning application establishing a conditional zoning district.
      2.   Conditions shall be limited to those that address conformance of development and use of the site with Town regulations and adopted plans and that address the impacts reasonably expected to be generated by the development or use of the site.
      3.   Conditions shall be in writing and may be supplemented with text or plans and maps.
      4.   Unless subject to an approved condition, all requirements of a corresponding general zoning district shall apply to a conditional zoning district.
      5.   No condition shall be made part of the application which:
         a.   Is less restrictive than any applicable overlay zoning district standard;
         b.   Specifies the ownership status, race, religion, or other characteristics of the occupants of housing units;
         c.   Establishes a minimum size of a dwelling unit;
         d.   Establishes a minimum value of buildings or improvements;
         e.   Excludes residents based upon race, religion, or income; or
         f.   Obligates the Town to perform in any manner relative to the approval of the conditional rezoning or development of the land.
   M.   Effect.
      1.   Lands subject to an conditional rezoning shall be subject to all the standards, conditions, and plans approved as part of that application. These standards, plans, and approved conditions are perpetually binding on the land as an amendment to this Ordinance and the Official Zoning Map, and may only be changed in accordance with the procedures established in this Ordinance.
      2.   Development located outside the Town of Zebulon's corporate limits shall comply with all Town policies related to annexation and the extension of utilities.
   N.   Amendment. Amendments to an approved conditional rezoning application may only be considered in accordance with the following:
      1.   Minor Changes.
         a.   Subsequent plans and permits for development within a conditional rezoning district may include minor changes. Minor changes are limited to changes that have no material effect on the character of the proposed development or changes that address technical considerations that could not reasonably be anticipated at the time of the conditional rezoning approval.
         b.   The following minor changes may be approved by the Planning Director, in consultation with other appropriate Town staff:
            i.   Changes to the location of entrances or driveways, the rearrangement of internal streets, turn lanes, drives, or access restrictions;
            ii.   Changes to the configuration of parking areas, but not the number of parking spaces;
            iii.   Changes to the configuration or location of open space or placement of required amenities, provided the amount of open space (whether passive or active) is unchanged;
            iv.   Changes to the configuration of landscape yards, including types of materials, provided minimum width and planting requirements are met;
            v.   Changes to proposed building elevations or facades, including materials, provided that the change retains the same general architectural character and provided the development still complies with the applicable design requirements; and
            vi.   Changes to the arrangement or location of buildings provided there is no increase in the number of buildings, size, or amount of impervious surface.
      2.   Significant Changes Considered Amendments.
         a.   Changes that materially affect the basic character or configuration of the proposed development or that exceed the scope of a minor change are considered amendments. Amendments include, but are not limited to:
            i.   Changes in use designations;
            ii.   Density/intensity increases;
            iii.   Decreases in open space;
            iv.   Substantial changes in the location of streets (particularly if streets are to be deleted or access points to the development moved so traffic flows both inside and outside the development are affected); and
            v.   Change in the location of any public easement.
         b.   Amendments shall be reviewed and considered in accordance with the procedures and standards established for the original approval of a conditional rezoning application.
   O.   Appeal.
      1.   Any decision by the Board of Commissioners shall be subject to review by the Superior Court of Wake County.
      2.   Petitions for review must be filed with the Clerk of Court within 30 days of the date the decision is filed in the office of the appropriate review authority and delivered by personal delivery, electronic mail, or first-class mail to the applicant, landowner, and to any person who has submitted a written request for a copy, prior to the date the decision becomes effective.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2021-65, passed 5-3-2021)