General Provisions
   91.01   Definitions
   91.02   Establishment and composition of the animal control program
   91.03   General duties of animal control program
   91.04   Cruelty to animals
   91.05   Animal(s) at large
   91.06   Animal(s) creating nuisance
   91.07   Confinement and control of inherently dangerous mammals
   91.08   Confinement and control of dangerous animals and dangerous dogs
   91.09   Requirements for attack training facility
   91.10   Confiscation of animals
   91.11   Required notification to animal control program by owners of dangerous animals or dangerous dogs
   91.12   Dogs or animals used for sentry or guard duty
   91.13   Teasing and molesting
   91.14   Law enforcement dogs excluded
   91.15   Interference with enforcement of chapter
Rabies Control
   91.30   Compliance with state law, subchapter as supplement to state law
   91.31   Inoculation of dogs, cats and other pets
   91.32   Inoculation tag
   91.33   Evidence of inoculation of cats
   91.34   Report and confinement of animals biting persons or showing symptoms of rabies
   91.35   Destruction or confinement of animal bitten by rabid animal
   91.36   Area-wide emergency quarantine
   91.37   Postmortem diagnosis
   91.38   Unlawful killing, releasing and the like of certain animals
   91.39   Failure to surrender animal for quarantine or destruction
   91.50   Generally
   91.51   Notice to owner
   91.52   Redemption by owner generally
   91.53   Destruction or adoption of unredeemed animal generally
   91.54   Procedure with respect to redemption or adoption of unvaccinated dog or cat
   91.55   Suspected rabid animals not to be redeemed or adopted
   91.56   Destruction of wounded or diseased animals
   91.57   Standards of confinement
   91.99   Penalty
   Regulation of animals in public, see § 131.06
Editor’s Note:
   Wake County enforces the provisions of this chapter