General Provisions and Regulations
92.01 Applicability of chapter
92.02 Definitions
92.03 Prohibited acts
92.04 Plantings and maintenance
92.05 Hours of visitation
92.06 Conduct in cemetery
92.07 Regulation of vehicles
92.08 Removal of floral arrangements
92.09 Regulation of animals
92.10 Depth of graves
92.11 Grave liners
92.12 Certificate of death; permits
92.13 Hours of interment
92.14 Marking new graves
92.15 Interments per grave
92.16 Interment of human remains only
92.17 Tents and other private property
92.18 Exhumations
Sale of Plots
92.19 Procedure for the purchase of plots
92.20 Price of plots
92.21 Modification of official plats
92.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Cemeteries generally, G.S. Ch. 65
Municipality’s authority to regulate cemeteries, see G.S. §§ 160A-341 et seq.
For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BLOCK. A grouping of lot units, the number of which may vary but which shall be in accordance with an official plat or layout of the cemetery property.
CEMETERY. An established location designated for the interment of the deceased, which is now, or shall hereafter be, under the regulatory authority of the town.
LOT. A unit of cemetery property which may contain three or four plots, as designated by an official plat or layout of the cemetery property.
PLOT. A unit of cemetery property containing two grave spaces.
(1985 Code, § 92.02)