For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. Any premises designated by the county for the purpose of impounding and caring for all animals found running at large or otherwise subject to impounding in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   AT LARGE. Any animal shall be deemed to be at large when he or she is off the property of its owner and not under restraint of a competent person.
   ATTACK. An approach to a person by an unrestrained animal in a vicious, terrorizing or threatening manner or apparent attitude of attack, without the animal having been teased, molested, provoked, beaten, tortured or otherwise harmed.
   ATTACK TRAINING FACILITY. Any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation engaged in boarding, breeding, selling or training dogs or other animals in mode of attack.
   DANGEROUS ANIMAL. Any animal that has demonstrated a fierce or dangerous propensity or tendency to do any act which may endanger persons or property and/or any nondomesticated animal indigenous to the State of North Carolina including hybrid animals that are part wild. This would include but not be limited to any dog which assaults, bites, attacks or inflicts serious injury on a human being without provocation on public or private property and/or which has killed or injured a pet or domestic animal without provocation. Exceptions: No dog is dangerous pursuant to this definition if at the time the threat, injury or damage was sustained, the person attacked was teasing, tormenting, abusing or assaulting the dog, or has in the past teased, tormented, abused or assaulted the dog or was committing or attempting to commit a crime. Nor shall a dog be considered dangerous pursuant to this definition if it has attacked or injured a pet or domesticated animal in defense of an attack by another animal or if it is protecting or defending its young.
   DEALER. Any person who is licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture as a dealer.
   DOMESTIC ANIMAL. Any of various animals as horses, sheep, cattle, goats, hogs, poultry and the like; domesticated by people so as to live and breed in a tame condition.
   EXHIBITOR. Any person who is licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture as an exhibitor.
   EXPOSED TO RABIES. An animal has been exposed to rabies within the meaning of this chapter, if it has been bitten by, or been exposed to, any animal known or suspected to have been infected with rabies.
   INHERENTLY DANGEROUS MAMMAL. Any live member of the canidae, felidae or ursidae families, including hybrids thereof, which, due to their inherent nature, may be considered dangerous to humans and which include:
      (1)   CANIDAE, including any member of the dog (canid) family not customarily domesticated by man, or any hybrids thereof, including wolf hybrids which are a cross between a wolf and a domestic dog, but not including domestic dogs (Canis Familiaris).
      (2)   FELIDAE, including any member of the cat family weighing over 15 pounds not customarily domesticated by man, or any hybrids thereof, but not including domestic cats (Felis catus).
      (3)   URSIDAE, including any member of the bear family, or any hybrids thereof.
   KENNEL, DEALER, OR BREEDER. Any person, group of persons, partnership or corporation engaged in buying, selling, breeding or boarding animals.
   NEUTERED. Any male animal which has been operated upon to prevent reproduction.
   OWNER. Any person, group of persons, firm, partnership or corporation owning, keeping, having charge of, sheltering, feeding, harboring or taking care of any animal. The owner is responsible for the care, actions and behavior of his or her animals. In the event that the owner of an animal is a minor, the parent or guardian of the minor shall be held liable for non-compliance with the provision of this chapter.
   PET. A domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
   RESTRAINT. An animal is under restraint within the meaning of this chapter if it is controlled by means of a chain, leash or other like device; on or within a vehicle being driven or parked; within a secure enclosure; or within the dwelling house of the owner.
   SECURE ENCLOSURE. A fence or structure of adequate height, forming or causing a humane enclosure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and to prevent the entry of young children. For purposes of this definition, a home, mobile home or separate garage do not meet this definition.
   SPAYED. Any female animal which has been operated upon to prevent conception.
   STRAY. Any dog or cat that appears stray, homeless or unwanted, and any dog that is not displaying a valid rabies tag unless exempted under § 91.32.
   UNTIMELY. Between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(1985 Code, § 91.01)