(A)   The Animal Control Program shall be charged with the responsibility of:
      (1)   Enforcing, in this county, all state and county laws, ordinances and resolutions relating to the care, custody and control of animals;
      (2)   Assisting in the enforcement of the laws of the state with regard to animals and especially with regard to vaccination of animals against rabies and the confinement or controlling of dangerous animals and dangerous dogs;
      (3)   Investigating cruelty or abuse with regard to animals;
      (4)   Making canvasses of the county, including the homes in the county, as it deems necessary for the purpose of ascertaining that all animals are vaccinated against rabies as required by local ordinance or state statute; and
      (5)   Operating, pursuant to policies of the Board of County Commissioners, the county animal shelter(s).
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Program to keep, or cause to be kept, accurate and detailed records of:
      (1)   Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into the animal shelter or shelters;
      (2)   Bite cases, violations and complaints, and investigation of same;
      (3)   All monies belonging to the county which were derived from impoundment fees, penalties and sales of animals; and
      (4)   All other records deemed necessary.
(1985 Code, § 91.03)