(A)   (1)   If an animal should be kept outside of the primary dwelling of its owner, the owner shall be required to confine it in a manner that would prevent unprovoked attacks on citizens and provides for the overall health, safety and comfort of the animal.
      (2)   Enclosures shall be structured as to prevent an unauthorized release of the enclosed animal, and to prohibit any discomfort to the enclosed animal. Furthermore, adequate cleanliness of the enclosure and adequate food, water and air for the animal are required for animals kept outside of the primary dwelling.
   (B)   Maintenance of the enclosure shall occur on an as needed basis in order to eliminate the accumulation of animal feces, thereby preserving a high standard of sanitation.
   (C)   In times of inclement weather adequate and comfortable accommodations are to be made for animals.
(1985 Code, § 91.57)