(A)   There is hereby created the Animal Control Program of Wake County, hereinafter referred to as The Animal Control Program, which shall be composed of employees and or officials as shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners.
   (B)   Employees or agents enforcing this chapter shall be designated as animal control officers. In the performance of their duties, animal control officers shall have all the powers, authority and immunity granted under this chapter and by the general laws of this state to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and the General Statutes of North Carolina as they relate to the care, treatment, control or impounding of animals.
   (C)   Except as may be otherwise provided by statutes, local laws or ordinances, no officer, agent or employee of the county charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this chapter or other applicable laws shall be personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of the duties unless he or she acts with actual malice.
(1985 Code, § 91.02)